Wednesday, August 19, 2015


There's an old saying about being careful what you wish for. There has been an illegal conspiracy between Chemtura Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Environment (M.O.E.) for decades. There has also been a conspiracy as defined here yesterday between some Woolwich Council members, Chemtura and the M.O.E., certainly since last fall's election and most likely between one or two of them long prior to the election.

They agreed that the new Council would take charge, assist in manufacturing a crisis, blame and smear CPAC's reputation and then come riding to the rescue by bringing Chemtura and the M.O.E. back into some new, perverted form of public consultation (ie. RAC & TAG). It all went reasonably well until it turned sour. Chemtura & the M.O.E. were planning on riding on the new Council's popularity and coattails. Chemtura and the M.O.E. require a strong and popular Council to help give themselves legitimacy in the public eye.

Well guess what? Our local professional liars and manipulaters are walking around with egg all over their faces. I hope that every new member on RAC and TAG fully understand that they have joined a group with zero credibility and authority. These are committees of a publicly discredited and corrupt Council by their own stupidity and other behaviour. I and others are merely the messengers. It has been an absolute pleasure for me to be able to publicly prove that this Council operate illegally and immorally whenever they can get away with it. Election laws and the Municipal Act violations are the tip of the iceburg.

Immorally includes Sandy and Mark's lead on the immoral and probably illegal dissolution of CPAC nine months into the new term of Council. It includes reopening Applications for six spots on TAG after Applications closed last November 30/14 and they had received eight applications namely five CPAC members, myself, Pat M. & Susan B. . It includes the lies that either Sandy or Mark spoke at public CPAC meetings in October 2014 and January 2015. It includes the lies that Sandy spoke to me in November 2014 after the election, that she was going to keep the old CPAC members all on the reappointed one.

Then there are the lies Sandy has given to MECAC and to Superior Court. That there was a conspiracy ie. a meeting of individuals for an improper purpose is apparent. MECAC met/spoke with Sandy and or some Council members ahead of the public July 2/15 meeting in order to get their ducks in a row. Absolutely no appointed body with a mandate to serve the public interest accepts thirty pages of a last minute submission/ambush and pretends to make a decision not to advance the process based upon the oral testimony of the person/mayor under investigation. Keep also in mind that Sandy in a sworn oath to Superior Court claims that she gave the thirty pages to MECAC on June 29/15 not July 2/15. In that scenario MECAC were part of a charade to fool me and the public. In that scenario I was the sole participant ambushed in the July 2/15 MECAC meeting in Council Chambers.

The channel that was changed was the east side, decades long sucessful discharge of Uniroyal/Chemtura contaminants including DDT and Dioxins, eastwards and southwards onto two neighbours' properties and then into the Canagagigue Creek. Chemtura and the M.O.E. have long known about this as it was done deliberately. Congratulations Chemtura you succeeded in changing the channel with the new Woolwich Council's help. Now who's going to save Council's reputation?


  1. Mr. Marshall, I found the illuminating text below on Wikipedia...This text describes exactly how the M.O. E. and all our other systems are managed!

    " For public choice theorists, regulatory capture occurs because groups or individuals with a high-stakes interest in the outcome of policy or regulatory decisions can be expected to focus their resources and energies in attempting to gain the policy outcomes they prefer, while members of the public, each with only a tiny individual stake in the outcome, will ignore it altogether. Regulatory capture refers to the actions by interest groups when this imbalance of focused resources devoted to a particular policy outcome is successful at "capturing" influence with the staff or commission members of the regulatory agency, so that the preferred policy outcomes of the special interest groups are implemented.
    Regulatory capture theory is a core focus of the branch of public choice referred to as the economics of regulation; economists in this specialty are critical of conceptualizations of governmental regulatory intervention as being motivated to protect public good. Often cited articles include Bernstein (1955), Huntington (1952), Laffont & Tirole (1991), and Levine & Forrence (1990). The theory of regulatory capture is associated with Nobel laureate economist George Stigler, one of its main developers.
    Likelihood of regulatory capture is a risk to which an agency is exposed by its very nature.This suggests that a regulatory agency should be protected from outside influence as much as possible. Alternatively, it may be better to not create a given agency at all lest the agency become victim, in which case it may serve its regulated subjects rather than those whom the agency was designed to protect. A captured regulatory agency is often worse than no regulation, because it wields the authority of government. However, increased transparency of the agency may mitigate the effects of capture. Recent evidence suggests that, even in mature democracies with high levels of transparency and media freedom, more extensive and complex regulatory environments are associated with higher levels of corruption (including regulatory capture)."

  2. Agreed. All the pressure and lobbying comes from vested interests with huge dollars at stake. Until the public routinely and regularily weigh in on these issues with the regulatory agencies they will respond to corporate pressure and lobbying.
