Friday, September 27, 2024


 The two original dates were October 10 and November 14 of this year. Now I do recall some discussion of October 10 being too early and the alleged public consultation body are awaiting  on (as always) some report from the MECP. So please pay attention say in next week's Woolwich Observer and if there isn't a Notice for the Thursday October 10/24 meeting then likely it's been cancelled.

The primary Agenda items these days are Lanxess and the Ontario MECP putting lipstick on their pig. Their pig is of course the utter and complete failure of RAC, TAG and belatedly TRAC to achieve drinking water standards by 2028 in the Elmira Aquifers. Obviously the prime responsibility rests with Lanxess and the MECP but Sandy Shantz is the major architect of the removal of the best CPAC there ever was back in September 2015. Hence the last nine years have been a total waste of time as RAC, TAG and now TRAC continue to express their love and devotion for corporate polluters, and corrupt regulators with only occasional mews of concern combined with Sebastian's recent couple of body blows to these three groups. Calling them deferential and Lanxess's consultants the equivalent of client driven as Sebastian did should happen at each and every meeting thus letting the public know that the rosy propaganda is not shared by all. 

Further lipstick on a pig includes a new Control Order from the MECP which heaven forbid likely will be no more enforceable or serious than the last ones. Control Orders are introduced with fanfare and then watered down to the polluter's convenience when their is less public outrage and supervision ongoing.

Further lipstick will include definitions of what drinking water standards in the Municipal Upper and Municipal Lower Aquifers actually will mean.  Maybe they will even allow allegedly "treated" water to be reinjected back into the aquifers.  Perhaps select wells in the Elmira North and South Wellfields will be put back into operation and as the Region of Waterloo do in Cambridge they can play musical wells by shutting down those nearest contaminant plumes and pump water for use from others. As the plume slowly shifts towards the pumping wells then they can be shut down and others started up.

I have reason to believe that new remediation is at the least being discussed. While I have no reason to doubt that proper groundwater remediation exists I have strong doubts that Lanxess or the MECP have any serious will to actually spend money and do the required work.

This is typical cosmetic nonsense of the last three and a half decades. It's all about managing the media, the citizen opposition and the truth. Propaganda is lying to the public and our authorities have had decades of practice.

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