Sunday, September 22, 2024


 Now with normal, regular, honest science there is a rule, if you will, that experiments must be reproducible. In other words if you get a surprise result from a scientific experiment you don't immediately rush out to write it up and then publish it in a scientific journal for your peers to read. Instead you carefully redo the experiment over again, maybe even several times, to see if the surprise result was an anomaly, a fluke or the result of a mistake somewhere throughout the process.  If however you get the same results from the exact same experiment, components and procedures then you may well be on to some new information.

On the other hand CRA/GHD are masters of junk science, psuedo science and just plain nonsense science. Their client, Uniroyal/Lanxess, have also been big time players when it comes to gamesmanship.  That gamesmanship includes help from their fellow travellors recruiting/enticing citizens to their cause, both declared and undeclared. It includes poaching from citizen groups again declared and undeclared. Susan Bryant is their biggest success although they have tried others. These fellow travellors include the GRCA, the MECP and Woolwich Township. Awards and certificates for example can be bestowed whether for merit or for different, less honourable reasons. 

 Their recent "investigation" of industries in Elmira using or having used chlorobenzene didn;t tell the public a single thing about that. Not one company was straight up named as using chlorobenzene. It sounded like maybe Nutrite/Yara but definitely not Varnicolor.  Borg Textiles was not named or investigated yet they are very high on the list of potential bad actors who used chlorobenzene in their textile manufacturing whether through their dye shop or otherwise.

So what is happening that requires another massive dose of insanity by the public? It is Uniroyal/Lanxess claiming to be hot on the path of the latest and greatest remediation that will do more in five years than their blessed pump & treat has done in thirty years. Promises are wind for Uniroyal and its' successors and always have been. New faces, new approaches, new words mean nothing when we have a thirty-five year history of bulls%*# from both this company and their tarnished/corrupt regulators, the Ontario Ministry of Environment. Yes I believe that proper remediation including Source Removal done honestly and professionally could have had our aquifers cleaned up over a decade ago.  They could also be much further along with on-site cleanup by now if they had gotten to it thirty years ago. Why however would I believe that their promises today are one bit more honest and truthful than all their broken promises since 1989?  One would either have to be naive/ignorant of the corporate beast or frankly insane to believe their verbal or written comments.  

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