Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 O.K. a week ago I gave a little explanation as to my strategy. Today will be a little more. Politicians and other assorted riff raff are big on plausible deniability. Their attitudes are if you have a problem for gosh sakes don't aggressively go out and investigate it. If you can smell smoke there may well be a raging fire nearby and the less we know about that the more we can pretend it doesn't exist. So by my sending municipal and regional councils detailed and specific facts regarding the east side of Lanxess i.e. the Stroh and Martin farms , the harder it is for them down the road to plead ignorance.

It's the same thing with DNAPLS (dense non aqueous phase liquids). The more information and facts they have the harder it is for them to pretend that it is a complex problem beyond their reach. Or even more so that it is a complex problem that must be left to the credentialed experts i.e. Qualified Persons  Coincidentally all the QPs are bought and paid for...oops I mean hired by the polluter and his fellow travellors. Names are not always necessary as they likely have mothers, families, children etc. and what some of them are doing is not illegal although it should be.

So I've been sending detailed facts and data to Woolwich Council, Waterloo Regional Council, Lanxess some, Ontario MECP some, TRAC some, and the media. Have you noticed how little interest the media have in Elmira these days? Are they waiting for another explosion and fire or something more dramatic like half of Elmira not waking up some morning?

By the way short of them surreptitiously adding the multi page report on chlorobenzene to last week's TRAC Agenda at the last possible moment, along with a brief description of the both short and long term groundwater pumping failures; there has been an awesome silence from our authorities in response to the facts being sent to them. Zero from the two councils, zero from TRAC, the media and the MECP. It is their non responses to an informed citizen's critiques and  clarifications of their errors and misunderstandings that is the most damning of their actions and inactions. Clearly they know that my facts and claims are accurate and the very last thing in the world they ever want to do is to publicly discuss any of it.  They are fearful, even terrified, as well they should be. Their day of reckoning is approaching and they know it.

Informed opposition to their "remediation" coverup continues. Informed opposition to their plethora of lies and deceptions involving groundwater, the former Uniroyal site, the Canagagigue Creek, other industrial sources of contamination in Elmira, the knowing and willful poisoning of Elmira residents for years will not end. Eventually they will be confronted en masse and what they do and don't do now will determine their eventual fates.


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