Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Recently it's been suggested to me that I focus my attention and wit more upon the Ontario Ministry of Environment (MECP) and less upon Woolwich Township. Basically the answer is no. The MECP certainly are corrupt by various definitions of that word. They are also cowardly and have no backbone for a fight with any multi-national corporations who are big enough to hit back, hard. They trounced Varnicolor Chemical in Elmira only after they realized that myself, Rich Clausi, Susan Rupert and Ted Oldfield were taking no prisoners. We kicked Varnicolor's butt as well as the then Ministry of Environment (MOE)  publicly and regularly. We humiliated the MOE over and over again and with the media's help had some calling for a Public Inquiry into the Ontario MOE.

I believe that I focused on Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura and the MOE for almost twenty years. Only later on did I actually realize how corrupt and back stabbing the Township was. They were aiding and abetting the polluter throughout including elevating co-opted individuals and undermining those (moi) who opposed the polluter and the MOE. I recall a private meeting with Woolwich Council in the spring of 2008 when I asked councillor Sandy Shantz, who attended CPAC meetings, straight up in front of her colleagues if she had EVER seen or heard me criticize a fellow CPAC member ?  The liar hummed and hawed until she finally mumbled something to the effect of gosh she wasn't sure. I knew then that the fix was in. I had sat beside Sandy at CPAC and yes I was hell on wheels with Chemtura and MOE liars and deceivers but I had NEVER publicly at CPAC criticized or insulted a fellow CPAC member. 

After that Sandy and other corrupt councillors were fair game and still are. They have long enabled the lies and deception fed to the public by the polluter and their fellow travellors. 


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