How many rotten outcomes does it require to prove that? How many convicted murderers have been released years/decades later in Canada after being proven innocent? How many alleged murders weren't even murders but deaths by other causes including natural? How many people are serving long murder sentences when either bodies were never found or in fact were found but there was no solid medical cause of death? How in hell do you convict anyone of murder when the medical experts can not tell the cause of death? Never fear here in Canada judges and juries are psychic. Just because doctors can't prove murder they are able to read person's minds and ascertain guilt through their superior intellects.
The following names are those of Canadians falsely convicted of murders that either they didn't do or in fact never were murders in the first place:
Morin, Milgaard, Truscott, Marshall, Mullins. Now Thatcher is an anomoly as he was both convicted and served his sentence although the body of his wife was never found. Locally Mr. Ball is serving a life sentence despite doctors being unable to say whether his alleged victim actually was murdered or not. And on and on.
What is the politics going on here? Law and order is a big thing in society and politicians whether municipal, provincial or federal do not like to see open, unsolved cases. For their own careers, future votes and happy electorates they do not want citizens believing that their police forces are second rate, incompetent or amateurish. Hence there is always a push to get convictions in high profile cases which per se is not a bad thing. It becomes a bad thing however when weak human beings are prepared to take self-serving short cuts on the route to conviction. If you've got a bad person locked up especially with a history of lesser offenses, our court and judicial systems make it way too easy to get convictions. Far too often juries who don't like the defendant are far too keen to get the process done and go home. "Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" morphs into "the bastard probably did it" and they convince themselves when there is reasonable doubt present.
It is a shameful system only barely overcome when the defendant has a ton of money available for top notch lawyers and technical experts to defend themselves. That's what our judicial system has become.
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