Enough said for the moment at least. I had confirmed yesterday to me two recent disinvites. You decide if the liars and cheats have taken over the house.
There have been a total of three CPAC members who attended public CPAC meetings on a regular basis. They were Sebastian, Vivienne and myself. Sebastian is also a TAG member with a very strong stomach. No other CPAC members were interested in repeating the formal process they had already gone through to reapply for membership to the incoming citizens advisory panel. Despite newspaper ads in the Woolwich Observer the only applicants at the end of the 2014 term of council were the current CPAC members plus two occasional public attendees namely Pat McLean and Susan. Neither of them now live in Elmira/Woolwich nor have for a few years now. Sandy and the other Chemtura/MECP lovers didn't want the old CPAC to continue precisely because Chemtura and the MECP were taking such an accurate and fact based sh.t kicking from CPAC so Sandy threw out all the formal and proper applications and demanded everyone start over simply so that she could dig up anyone to apply including her curling buddies from the Elmira Curling Club. Yes Virginia, that is exactly how bush league Woolwich Township is.
Vivienne stopped attending public TAG meetings when they became virtual versus in person. I and Sebastian kept attending. Rae Ann Bauman allegedly sent out honest doodle polls attempting to find a common time for CPAC (Citizens Public Advisory Committee) members to attend. Unsurprisingly Sebastian could attend many of the proposed dates but of course as the lone sitting CPAC member on TAG, Rae Ann and Woolwich Township picked the one he could not (i.e. next Tuesday). Really cute Rae Ann and Woolwich.
The second disinvite was me albeit on a different meeting. Lanxess dreamed up another CAP (Citizens Advisory Panel) a few years back but made it clear that historic contamination issues were OFF the Agenda. That CAP was only to discuss current events including operational activities that could affect Elmira residents etc. Of course the problem is that their "historic" contamination affects residents every single day. We no longer drink our own water but are stuck with K-W highly chlorinated (& contaminated) tap water thank you very much. Also there are constantly new reports and new data being generated regarding both the downstream Canagagigue Creek as well as our aquifers.
One CAP member advised that he was aware of these brand new reports and wanted to discuss them. Lanxess reps said no using the excuse that they would need to bring in their experts as they themselves didn't know enough. The CAP member said fine I too am no expert and will bring in my own expert. Well guess who the expert was and guess what Lanxess said when so advised...NO ! NO!....NO!
Hmm maybe I should add chicken shit to "liars and cheats" in the first sentence.
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