Anybody walked in the Creek lately? Anybody looked carefully at the Creek lately? Anybody smelled the Creek lately? Anybody dumb enough to eat any fish whatsoever out of the Creek lately? Anybody at all seen, lately or ever, any health data/information about the human residents living for generations along the downstream Creek?
We the public are being sold a huge bill of goods by Lanxess, GHD, Stantec, Ministry of Environment and some of our local politicians. They have concocted an elaborate scam referred to as a Risk Assessment. I have no doubt that the majority of TAG members have been unable to follow the mathematical contortions based upon assumptions that make up the claim that there are NO UNACCEPTABLE RISKS.
Our authorities mostly know that that is utter and complete Bullsh*t but have wanted for decades to put the whole mess behind them. They are on the verge of success. Somewhere down the road decades of health information about multiple generations of Mennonite farmers living along the Creek will suddenly appear and then and only then the self-serving hand wringing by our authorities will begin. "Oh if we only had known.", "How was this data not required in a Human Health Risk Assessment ? and on and on.
This is your government serving their interests, not yours or anybody elses.
For more greenwashing facts see Steve Cannons front page article in Observer about using Greening Fund For MORE Staff Mr. Cannon gets it sometimes...It just further proof what a circle-jerk and fraud "Greenwashing is. (using scare tactic issues to enrich themselves and to seize more authority/regulations and control) at citizens and taxpayers expense (DISGUSTING)