Wednesday, March 17, 2021


The Wilmot System consists of four Mannheim village wells (K22A, K23., K24, K26) as well as four other complete water systems known as the Foxboro, New Dundee, New Hamburg/Baden and Shingletown Water Supply Systems. The four Mannheim village wells were briefly mentioned here when I was describing the Mannheim Water Treatment Plant during the description of the Kitchener Water Supply System as these four wells can indirectly (along with the two Shigletown Wells) supply the Mannheim Water Treatment Plant. ............................................................................................................ Well first off well K22A received zero repairs or replacements of equipment during 2020 yet it was offline for all of last year. No clarification whatsoever has been provided. More suspiciously the most recent sampling/testing dates are 2009! This does not look good. ....................................................................................................................... Well K23 underwent $84,000 worth of repairs in 2020 which apparently did not cause any shutdown during 2020. Bacteria levels and Turbidity were both quite low in the raw water although chlorine levels in treated water ranged from low to high. Sodium levels were found to be 40.2 mg/l double the guideline yet still low in comparison to many other wells in Waterloo Region. Nitrate levels were high albeit below the criteria. Solvent and herbicide labratory Method Detection Limits (MDL) were high with nine parameters being greater than 1 part per billion (ppb.). Glyphosate, similar to other wells in the Region, had a MDL of 25 ppb. No results were given in this report for either Haloacetic Acids (HAA) or Trihalomethanes (THM), both potentially toxic by-products of the disinfection process (i.e. killing bacteria). ........................................................................................................... Well K24 had over $250,000 worth of equipment replacement which likely was the cause of well K24 being offline for 16 weeks in 2020. This was not so specifically advised in the report. Bacteria, Turbidity and chlorine levels were all good. Sodium was low in comparison to other wells but still double the guideline. Nitrates were high although lower than the criteria. All solvent and herbicide concentrations were taken in 2018 which while perhaps legal, I find unacceptable. Also as usual many of the labratory Method Detection Limits (MDL) exceeded 1 ppb. which is unacceptable as well. Glyphosate (Roundup) MDL was as ridiculously high ( 25 ppb.) as always. HAA and THM results were not given in this report as I believe they should be especially as after their name in the Table it says "show latest annual average", yet they don't. ..................................................................................................................... Well K26 ran for the entire year and had no repairs or equipment replacement. Bacteria levels were very good as was Turbidity in the raw water very low along with chlorine levels in the treated water. Nitrates were among the highest I have seen in the Region although still below the criteria. Solvent and herbicide results are all from 2018 and have far too many high MDLs. Glyphosate is still a ridiclous 25 ppb. MDL. HAA and THM results are not given in this report. .................................................................................................................. It is my opinion that most of the legitimate concerns about the quality of our drinking water in Waterloo Region are the results of errors of omission. Whether no explanations for missing or shut down wells to high MDLs for solvents and herbicides, old testing results (2009, 2018 etc.), failure to include HAA and THM results, failure to include chemicals such as NDMA and so many other ubiquitous industrial chemicals and solvents; it all adds up to glaring omissions of significant and relevant information from which citizens can determine the quality of their water. I belive that these omissions are intentional for exactly that reason.

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