Thursday, March 25, 2021


It's a boys club and nobody wants to rock the boat. The members' associations/unions are steadfastly under male control. The management and senior administration are primarily male. The few females who sucessfully navigate the favouritism, nepotism, cronyism, are hugely adverse to then undermining their own future prospects by bucking the culture and the trend. From the bottom to the top, males privately will among themselves advise that women are too emotional, too physically weak and too mentally incapable of handling the alleged life and death decisions that they males are (due to their gender) inherently superior at. Just look at the attitudes of both males and females towards blacks in the U.S. from the 1800s to at least the 1970s and later. It's called groupthink and it's an indication in my mind of group stupidity. But it survives and thrives when the people at the top either also believe it or are too morally weak to stand up and push back, hard! Where are the senior women in the Waterloo Region Police Service (WRPS) either resigning in disgust or going public and calling out the WRPS leadership? Recently a senior officer in the Canadian military did exactly that. ................................................................................................................ Here in Waterloo Region the problem starts at the top. That would be our Regional Councillors en masse and especially our so called female leaders who sit quietly at Regional Council and allow the abomination in our police force to continue. Exactly how much more evidence of harassment, inequity and just plain rude and crude behaviour towards female police officers do they need? On Friday March 5/21, Joel Rubinoff of the Waterloo Region Record wrote a story titled "Embattled police whistle-blower fights to have voice heard". The story was about one of the female police officers who had had enough and filed a class action lawsuit against the WRPS, the Police Board and regional council. The Supreme Court of Canada found that allegedly they should have spent more time (decades?) working their issues through with either the male dominated police association/union or they should have gone to the Human Rights Commission. Good God why do you think that they took the slow, laborious, expensive and difficult route through the courts? It's because nothing else that should have helped them, did so. .......................................................................................................................... Female regional councillors, get off your priveleged butts and stand up and publicly embarass and humiliate your male colleagues on council who will not clean up this mess in the WRPS. Chief Larkin is long on talk but apparently can do little or nothing without top political backup. Provincial politicians also have a role but they too do not want to rock the boat. It is true that only a very small percentage of young women are interested in a career in policing. Rest assurred that will continue forever unless or until those at the top make it a priority to treat all police officers with respect, courtesy and honesty. That unfortunately is what many at the top know and are counting on. Why would more women ever want a career in policing the way it and so many other male dominated professions are run? Once again shame on our priveleged municipal, regional and provincial councillors and members of provincial parliament. Their acceptance if not promotion of ignorant, rude, crude and supposedly illegal workplace behaviour shames them all as well as us.

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