Thursday, March 11, 2021


Those would be Pinebush, Shades Mill and the Turnbull Well System. The Pinebush System consists of wells P10, P11 and P17. Only two wells run at the same time and it's usually P10 in conjunction with one of the others. They are located on the east side of Cambridge, just east of the former Ciba-Geigy. Bacteria levels in the raw water are very low, Turbidity is O.K., as is Chlorine levels in the treated water. Wells P10 and P11 were offline for six weeks in 2020 and well P17 was offline for the whole year hence the entire system was down for six weeks. Normally that is a very bad sign however in this case there were raw and treated water reservoir upgrades to the tune of $112,300. No reason is given for P17 being shut down for the entire year which is very concerning. Sodium levels while above the guideline still are among the lowest in Cambridge. Nitrates and Nitrites are also both at very low levels. Solvents and herbicides share the same problems with so many other wells which is far too many (9) of them having Method detection Limits greater than 1 part per billion (ppb). Glyphosate (Roundup) is also far too high with a MDL of 25 ppb. Haloacetic Acids (HAA) and Trihalomethanes (THM) unfortunately also have no results posted in this report. .................................................................................................................. The Shades Mill System is located both near the Shades Mill Conservation Area as well as just west of the former Cambridge Landfill. It consists of wells G7, G8, G38, G39 and G40. This System underwent extensive in 2020 including reservoirs, Holding Tanks and Connection of well G40 to the system. Hmm interesting. In total approximately $300,000 was spent on these upgrades. At least partly as a result the entire system was down for thirteen weeks with well G40 offline for nineteen weeks and all the other wells offline for thirteen weeks. Coliforms were detected in the raw water on eight sampling occasions. Raw water Turbidity (murkiness) was very high in these wells although chlorine levels were not elevated. Sodium, nitrates and nitrite levels were all low although solvents and herbicide testing remains inadequate with eight MDLs greater than 1 ppb. The MDL for Glyphosate remains at a ridiculous 25 ppb. The results for HAAs and THMs also are not included in this report. AND....NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine) results (< 0.0009 ppb) are included for this wellfield. Is this possibly due to the proximity to the Landfill? .............................................................................................. Lastly we have the Turnbull System. It consists of wells G16, G17 and G18 and is located on the east side of Cambridge between the Shades Mill and Pinebush Systems. There were approximately $170,000 in upgrades last year including reservoir upgrades and the rehabillatation of well G17. Hence G16 was offline for sixteen weeks, G17 for nineteen weeks and G18 for sixteen weeks. The whole system was offline for thirteen weeks. Wow it's no wonder Waterloo Region are having quantity problems with their water system. Sodium levels are the lowest I've seen it to date and nitrites and nitrates are also very low. Solvents and herbicides share the same problems with the other well systems in that far too many have MDLs that are too high and thus could be hiding the presence of industrial solvents (& herbicides) in our drinking water. Also no results are published here for HAAs and THMs.

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