Tuesday, March 16, 2021
This system consists of the wells for the folllowing towns namely Heidelberg, Linwood, St. Clements and Wellesley. In order, Heidelberg consists of two wells, HD1 and HD2. The raw water had a low number of Total Coliform bacteria. Turbidity (murkiness) in the raw water was low and chlorine levels in the treated water were appropriate. Sodium levels are the lowest I've seen to date although it is a 2018 result. Nitrates and Nitrites are also very low although again they were tested in 2020 (appropriate) and 2019 (less so). Both Haloacetic Acids (HAA) and Trihalomethanes (THM) have resulteds published which is wonderful for a change. Those results are all below the criteria. Solvents and herbicides have nine instances whereby the Method Detection Limits (MDL) exceed 1 part per billion (ppb) which is too high. Glyphosate (Roundup) still has a MDL of 25 ppb. which is incredibly and ridiculously high most likely hiding a positive detection of this herbicide in our drinking water.
The Linwood System consists of wells L1A and L2. Bacteria levels are very low although there was one adverse incident on September 11, 2020 when Total Coliforms were present in the water. The water was resampled and the Coliforms were then not present. Both Turbidity and chlorine levels are appropriate as is Sodium which is very low. Nitrate and Nitrite levels are also very low. Both HAA and THM concentrations are higher than most regional water systems although they are below the provincial criteria. While I am glad to see the results here I wish that they were significantly lower than they are. Solvents and herbicides have the usual very high MDLs above 1 ppb. and with Glyphosate having a MDL of 25 ppb.
The St. Clements system consists of wells SC2, SC3 and SC4. Bacteria levels are excellent and Turbidity and chlorine levels are quite good. Nitrite levels are very low whereas Nitrates seem to be up and down although consistently higher in well SC3. None exceed the criteria although I believe that I have made my concerns clear about multiple low level detections of different chemicals in a water supply potentially being unhealthy despite each individual chemical being below it's own criteria. Solvents and herbicides also share the problem of high MDLs in these wells with Glyphosate again having the ridiculously high MDL of 25 ppb. Those results are all from 2019. HAAs and THM results are published here and they are significantly better (i.e. lower) than the Linwood System wells.
The town of Wellesley system consists of wells WY1, WY5, and WY6. No mention of what may have happened to WY2, 3 or 4 presuming they once existed. Raw water bacteria levels were all absent although there were two adverse incidents regarding Total Coliforms namely on July 22/20 and August 6/20. The system was resampled only and the Coliforms presumably were gone. For some unstated reason well WY1 was offline for four weeks in 2020. There is no mention of repairs or new equipment being installed nor any other explanation given for this shutdown. I find that inappropriate. Turbidity (raw water) and chlorine (treated water) levels appear fine. Sodium levels tested in 2018 and Nitrates and Nitrites tested in 2020 are all excellent. Solvents and herbicides tested in 2019 share the serious problem of high MDLs (> 1ppb.) with again Glyphostae having a MDL of 25 ppb. HAAs and THMs certainly were both detected and reported here in this report. Both have levels well below criteria however I still wish they were at lower concentrations.
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