Monday, October 26, 2020


The TAG (Technical Advisory Group) meeting is scheduled for November 26, 2020 at 6:30 pm. It is my understanding that TAG (& CPAC) member Dr. Sebastian Seibel-Achenbach will be making a presentation (as in an appeal) to TAG members to reconsider their, in my opinion, hasty support of a private deal between Ramin Ansari and Tiffany Svensson (TAG Chair). The private deal was that in exchange for sampling some sediments in the bottom of the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB) that TAG would agree that that was it. No more sampling whether groundwater or soils anywhere in that area. That private deal is an abomination in which Chemtura/Lanxess and CRA/GHD have colluded over the last six years to avoid accountability and accompanying financial responsibility for the probable "sink" of Dioxins/Furans, DDT and any other hydrophobic compounds that settled out into this low lying area (i.e. low ground surface elevation) on the Stroh farm. ..................................................................................................... One minor clarification. Back on September 11/20 here in the Elmira Advocate I suggested that TAG had delayed Sebastian's presentation/appeal until the December TAG meeting. In fact there has been some error and confusion in regards to the dates for RAC (Remediation Advisory Committee) and TAG but the latest information is that TAG is meeting on November 26/20 and RAC on December 10/20. ............................................................................................ That there was no public discusiion or debate at TAG on this substantive matter is to the shame of their Chair. Especially for newer members (Katarina, Dustin and Wilson) it can be extremely difficult to rock the boat and oppose a matter of which they can not possibly yet be familiar i.e. extent of east side contamination. Even for older members (5 years) such as David and linda it can be difficult to oppose something that is strongly recommended by the TAG Chair who is also a hydrogeologist. All this being said I expect the TAG members to pay acute attention to Sebastian's presentation on November 26. I also expect the TAG members to do their homework ahead of time and read the reports on Sebastian's already presented Bibliography (plus two more) when they receive them. Lastly I expect intelligent questions from those same TAG members to Sebastian after his presentation. Anything less will further damn what passes for public consultation here in Woolwich Township. ..................................................................................... P.S. To "attend" the virtual TAG meeting please e-mail Lisa Schaefer at


  1. of course you are right, they are called the experts and they are avoiding the obvious! Will the minutes of this meeting be posted online in some format? by the township where we the people can review them?

  2. Usually the Minutes come out weeks after the meeting. That said they should be posted on the Woolwich Township website.

  3. Saying "I expect" three times in your last paragraph may not get the results or actions that you hope for, or as you said I expect it to happen.

  4. these people have contracts to do the expected - either way and no matter what, they will prove something and for ever action (or non-action) there is an opposite reaction. Mr Marshal is right on track and right over the target! and so are we the people!
