Wednesday, October 21, 2020


As mentioned in the comments section of Monday's post here in the Advocate, I have an honest and informed citizen attending today in order to examine and read numerous historical, technical references to the contamination on the east side of the now Lanxess Canada property (i.e. Stroh farm). I believe that a list of five of these technical reports has already been sent to TAG members. That of course is inadequate without those reports being made available, promptly to TAG members. I suspect that there will be much moaning, wailing and gnashing of teeth as designated Woolwich reps tearfully advise that they could not find this one or that one. Of course I've got a copy of them as does Woolwich Township, Lanxess, GHD, MOE/MECP, RMOW etc. ........................................................................................................... Therefore today I will be providing hard copy exerpts of the critical pages from most of these reports as well as allowing the citizen reader to see the original report and confirm for him/her self that indeed the copies are accurate. These copies include the front page of the report, Table of contents, text, figures and maps. They are not subtle. They are conclusions and facts determined by evidence and that evidence interpreted by professionals including hydrogeologists, consultants and others. Many of these reports are formal reports produced by agencies/government ministrys including GRCA, MOE/MECP, consultants to the Region of Waterloo, and private consultants on behalf of both local companies and governments. ................................................................................................... The evidence overwhelmingly makes clear that the polluter (Uniroyal Chemical), his consultants (CRA), and the Ont. Ministry of Environment (MOE/MECP) all have known about the contamination on the Stroh farm since the late 1980's and very early 1990s. In fact Uniroyal Chemical knew about it within a couple of years of the east side pits (RPE 1-5) being constructed (approx. 1950) as they were advised of the damage to Earl and Eileen Stroh's crops along the property boundary shared with Uniroyal. Evidence makes it clear that both surface water overflow as well as groundwater flowed south eastwards from these pits and some others constructed (BAE-1, RB-1 & 2) within a couple of feet of the property boundary. ............................................................................................... How is it possible that smoking gun evidence is not public knowledge? Two reasons namely 1) a lack of media interest 2) blatant and complete dishonesty by all the guilty parties including local politicians. Private deals were made not in the public interest and these parties don't want their collusion to be made public.


  1. It is very simple in fact. The shareholders of the Observor have development property in the north end of Elmira along with a few "very special others" with deep ties politically and along with Mr. Stroh they ALL want what they call a Elmira bypass to their properties in the north end. NOBODY has continuously advocated for this more than the Woolwich Observor. The Observor people have actually gone to great length to advocate and facilitate development in the north end and have obviously got into bed with at least 2 of the industrial gangs+families. The whole Martin Lane neighborhood expansion/future developments in the north end cannot happen without this coverup being dragged on till the so called Elmira Bypass is in place at which time the regulated hold provision will be released by official Woolwich Township Plan. Politicians and the local planners have all been coerced into going along with the coverup. This has never been about pollution or traffic problems on the main drag, they are using these real problems as a solution to their own sick development woes. Ironically the chemical company is saving tons of cleanup costs by just playing along with the local bullshit and the fact that the people who run things have too much to lose to turn against them. I am one of the neighbors and frankly this whole neighborhood is either sick or corrupt or both!

  2. unfortunately we are not only talking about two-faced people, we are dealing with three-faced people who are so selfish and corrupt that they attempt to take advantage of real and genuine problems to further their own agenda's and or justify their public and or official positions.
