Saturday, October 3, 2020


This is an often times repeated comment from a current CPAC member. Something to that effect was espoused by Susan Rupert when she was leading APT Environment. Unfortunately the members listened to Susan B. and Sylvia rather than to Susan R. . Susan B. and Sylvia convinced APT members that they would have no voice if they refused to be a part of the proposed UPAC (Uniroyal Public Advisory Committee). In hindsight there is no doubt that the real purpose of Uniroyal Chemical and the Ministry of Environment's participation in that alleged "citizens' committee" was simply to delay, waste time and give the impression that citizens had input into cleanup decisions. They did not and that was guaranteed by the makeup of the committee from the getgo. Too many municipal councillors (Grace Sudden, Quentin Martin), too many former Uniroyal employees and too many ridiculous stakeholders such as the Waterloo Region District School Board and the Chamber of Commerce - all thorughly committed to maintaining the status quo. .......................................................................................................... All the CPAC members except Sebastian were too disgusted by the lying and deception of Sandy and Mark to agree to reapplying to the proposed CPAC after Sandy deceptively suggested that they didn't have enough applicants the first time. Bull...., there were a total of eight CPAC and SWAT (including me) applicants plus Susan Bryant and Pat McLean for a total of ten. Sandy merely lied knowing that after how she and Mark B. had treated the CPAC and SWAT volunteers both verbally at council and in writing at a private meeting in the Township building (April 2015), that most CPAC members would see through her bull... and know that they would not get appointed. ................................................................................................ Despite several good people on TAG that new (2015) committee also has zero chance of success. History has shown us that Woolwich Council's have long supported Uniroyal and successors to the point of fudging and lying at will in order to achieve their goals. In the current situation Lanxess are offerring the "opportunity" for TAG to help rewrite the goals for the cleanup. That is an abomination. A bare majority of TAG members have only been involved for five years with at least three others less than a year and a half. Historically they don't know what the heck is what. They certainly should not even be involved in an exercise which is intended to deflect away from the company and MOE/MECP cleanup failure to achieve Ontario drinking water standards throughout the Elmira Aquifers by 2028. The stated intent is to provide new attainable goals for the cleanup. Why exactly other than to a) share the blame when those too fail b) to push the cleanup date back for even more decades to ensure some form of success for the guilty parties....would TAG or informed citizens want either of those outcomes? This is simply one more diversion, deflection and delay being proposed by Lanxess Canada for self-serving reasons and of no benefit to the environment or the public.

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