Wednesday, October 14, 2020


The article was published on January 28, 2016 and was titled "Chemtura, environmental group at odds over extent of contamination leaching off propertty". Essentially this was Chemtura Canada being in charge of their own "investigation" and folowing the script of their predecessors. In other words take literally years to do investigations that if planned properly and appropriately at the start could be completed within weeks or months versus years or decades. What Chemtura and their consultants did was to circumvent immediately sampling the Stroh property (their east side neighbour). They did this by sampling firstly on their own property within a few metres of the property line. The readings of contaminants were generally very high. Only after that did they claim that it was time to sample nine or ten metres onto the Stroh property albeit the northern half of it. To this day nearly five years later they still have not taken a single soil sample in and around the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB) which is further south. ......................................................................................................... We were advised this summer that they would be taking some sediment samples in the bottom of that Drain. I said in the preceding paragraph that they had not taken a single soil sample, shallow or deep, around the SDDB. Of course for all we are privy to, in fact they may have done so but they surely aren't going to release that data to the public. ............................................................................................................. The Observer rather tactfully suggested that CPAC (Chemtura Public advisory Committee) "...was disbanded in favour of a new public advisory format...". In fact that is heavy duty bull.... . CPAC were disbanded by Woolwich Council (Sandy & Mark) in order to assist Chemtura to avoid their responsibilities to properly clean up the Elmira Aquifers and the Canagagigue Creek. This was done by bringing in a new group of citizens without any background as to the deceit and collusion involved in the Elmira cleanup over the last 26 years (1989-2015). What a great deal for a world class polluter in having your local politicians help you muzzle legitimate and knowledgable citizen input and public consultation.

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