Thursday, April 9, 2015


Allegedly Mayor Shantz has advised both the Region of Waterloo and the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) that CPAC are not attending today's 2 pm. meeting in the Dodie Hummel Room next to Council Chambers. Meetings with improper purposes, hidden or false Agendas should never be attended. Meetings where the subject of the entire meeting refuses to attend should be viewed with utmost suspicion. Meetings dealing with changing or reorganizing a committee which represents the public and whose mandate includes public education should not be by invitaion only and behind closed doors. Clearly Mayor Shantz, you, Councillor Bauman, Chemtura and the Ministry of the Environment have skullduggery in mind. You are planning to continue lying your asses off regarding CPAC and you know that five of them plus the public would rip you new ones once your lies started. It is so much easier to gild the lily, obfuscate and treat the truth disrespectfully when 95% of the informed people present are as dishonest as yourselves.

It must be disappointing for you to see the media at long last getting involved. The Elmira Independent, the Waterloo Region Record and now CTV News. Be sure to watch this evening's news (channel 12 possibly) starting at 6 pm.. Citizens have long known the extent of corruption intrinsic with our politicians. This includes federal (the Senate), provincial (gas plant, Ornge Ambulance, e-health) and municipal (Joe Fontana, Todd Cowan-allegedly). These are simply recent examples. The public, unlike politicians, do not value liars. There is no such thing as a "good" liar. The public also know intuitively that it is so much easier to lie in private. It is also so much easier to pass along a lie for others consumption when the large majority of those present in a meeting are in on the lie. This has been the basis for two decades of pretend consultation at CPAC. Hand picked membership by Woolwich Council with a few naive but honest individuals to give the appearance of honesty.

Woolwich Councils have historically been Uniroyal/Chemtura's greatest ally with the Ontario M.O.E. a strong second. There is a reason so little has been accomplished over the last quarter of a century and it is the combined corruption of these two groups who are mandated to protect the public interest. The old Woolwich Councillors know this. The new ones, look out you too can be co-opted unintentionally, and it's twice as hard to turn things around once you've gone down that road.

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