Thursday, April 16, 2015


Graham Chevreau started the ball rolling by confirming that there are fish consumption advisories below Chemtura, on the Canagagigue Creek, related to Dioxin levels in particular fish species. It is peculiar that DDT has not also been pointed out as the DDT levels the last few years appear to have risen more dramatically than the Dioxin levels. Strange. Dr. Regier meanwhile has quoted various aspects of the 2015-2016 Guide to Eating Ontario Fish which point out issues with Category 4 (Dioxins) below Chemtura on the "Gig". Dr. Regier also points out page 22 and its' discussion of Microcystins (in Blue-Green Algae) and how that toxin can accumulate within fish.

What also really caught my eye was the information in the "Grand River Watershed Management Plan 2014". If one Googles this you will find a number of different options. Go with the one that indicates a 194 page report. Section is titled "Human consumption of Fish". The sixth paragraph states "...high concentrations of dioxins/furans restrict consumption of fish in Canagagigue Creek and portions of the central Grand River, where riverbed sediments carry the legacy of past contamination by a local source." That one and only local source is Chemtura Canada.

DDT and Dioxins/Furans have been leaving the Uniroyal/Chemtura site since the late 1940s. Efforts have been made to reduce this discharge with excavation of parts of the west side creekbank in the mid 2000s. CPAC and the public were misled about the extent of mobile DDT & Dioxins/Furans on the east side of the creek. This current CPAC (2010-2015) with assistance from MTE Consultants have discovered a huge totally ignored problem on Chemtura's east side property line. Their contaminants including DDT and Dioxins have been carried and diverted via both ground and surface water discharge onto the neighbour's property, through the Stroh Drain and into the Canagagigue Creek further downstream from where the normal on-site monitoring would pick it up. This has been ongoing since approximately 1985.

The current efforts by Woolwich Mayor Shantz are simply to assist both Chemtura and the Ontario M.O.E. in their ongoing coverup of their failures to contain this site. Mayor Shantz is attempting with assistance from Councillor Bauman to dilute CPAC with new members who are either woefully uninterested, ignorant or already co-opted by Chemtura. Today's Elmira Independent carrys two front page stories relevant to this attempt to replace an environmental solution with a political solution.

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