Friday, April 17, 2015


Yesterday's Elmira Independent carrys this story titled "Mayor reports progress on CPAC impasse". The real title should be "Local Politicians In Bed With Chemtura". Mayor Shantz's comments are simply Chemtura's/M.O.E.s words being parroted for public consumption via the recently elected and popular new Mayor. The reality is that our Mayor is simply a toady for big business. She has virtually ignored all advice, facts and documentation proving Chemtura and the Ontario M.O.E. are partners in pollution simply going through the motions of a proper cleanup in order to mollify the public. She is ignoring the appointed CPAC (by the last Council) including numerous environmental experts on both CPAC and their sub-committee SWAT.

She is an ignorant, biased individual and Chemtura and the M.O.E. love her. As does the gratuity enhanced individuals purporting to be citizen reps at the secret discussions last week. The one woefully unqualified and incompetent individual represents the National Advisory Panel of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada and the other is an often honoured individual by local poltiicians including the GRCA and Region of Waterloo. Talk about long being co-opted. It's a disgrace and this Township will be forever shamed by relying on this pair as alleged citizen reps.

Dr. Dan Holt did an excellent job in his interview by Gail Martin. This one on one is exactly the opposite of what awaited him if he had gone on his own to this stacked meeting. Chemtura and the M.O.E. and their acolytes including Mayor Shantz, Pat & Susan were laying in wait to ambush Dr. Dan. Shame on them. CPAC did not attend this meeting for a number of reasons but one includes the very purpose and Agenda of the meeting. It was to discuss unecessary changes based upon the biases of the gulity parties including politicians, Chemtura and the M.O.E..

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