Monday, April 20, 2015


Late yesterday I received a copy of the Report/Minutes of the phoney "stakeholders" meeting held a week ago last Thursday (April 9/15). This morning at 9:25 am. I booked to be a Delegate for tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at Council to discuss this five page report. I attempted to book through Julie Forth and then via Val Hummel but both were unavailable (away?). Hence Kathy at Woolwich Township has assurred me that she will get me onto the Delegates list and that she will call me back to so confirm. I did point out to her that it was impossible for me to book any earlier as I only received the Report late yesterday from Dr. Dan Holt, CPAC Chair. As I was specifically mentioned by name in this Report Dr. Dan felt it appropriate to send me a copy and I feel it very appropriate for me to respond tomorrow evening.

This Report may very well have been written by either Chemtura or the Ontario Ministry of the Environment despite being upon Woolwich Township letterhead. The words, phrases and overall denial of proven facts, combined with the embracing of myths and falsehoods is straight out of their playbook.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy phoned back and confirmed that I am a Delegate tomorrow evening.
