Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Last October over a four day period I listed chemicals which Chemtura have been recently using in various production processes. Many of these are common everyday solvents or other chemicals whereas there are also a few more unusual ones. Keep in mind that whether tested for in surface water, groundwater, drinking water, soil or air; none of them are rated as health hazards in combination with each other. Each and every chemical compound has its' health effects determined individually. This of course completely ignores the reality of multiple simultaneous exposures and probably greatly reduces the apparent toxicity of air, water and soil releases.

Aniline also known as aminobenzene is ubiquitous on the Chemtura Canada, Elmira, Ontario site. We have been advised over the years that it was dumped in lowlying areas along the creekbanks of the Canagagigue creek. The purpose was to elevate the creekbanks and reduce annual spring flooding in and around the production buildings.

Diphenylamine is commonly found in air and water discharges. It is also found in another form in groundwater and that is as NDPA or nitrosodiphenylamine. Its' more famous cousin is NDMA. Diphenylamine has another name and that is benzidine.

Styrene is discharged into air and water and indeed was found in the south wellfield at low concentrations in 1989. Styrene is considered to be a carcinogen. It is also a component of styrene acrylonitrile trimer also known as SAN.

"...in 1921, the Geneva-based International Labour Office had examined the accumulating evidence about dye manufacture and bladder cancer and had identified benzidine and BNA as the most likely suspects, urging manufacturers to adopt "the most rigorous application of hygenic precautions."". Pg 182 TOMS RIVER by Dan Fagin

As mentioned in yesterday's posting "aniline tumours" were recognized as long ago as 1895 in Germany. They were diagnosed as bladder cancer.

Science and medicine are not remotely magic bullets. Causation of illness is way down the list of priorities for our health care system. The science of epidemiology is still in its' infancy. Occupational settings have been thoroughly and sucessfully investigated and science has been able to pinpoint specific chemicals and specific illnesses. As per the overall theme of "TOMS RIVER" however it is much more difficult to pinpoint either air or water sources hundreds of metres oe even a couple of miles away and then categorically say that 1) there is a disease cluster at such and such a confidence level and then say that 2) categorically this company and this improper disposal location and this chemical have caused this illness in the population. Corporate polluters have long hidden behind this feebleness of epidemiological studies.

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