Thursday, November 7, 2013


The public meeting was held last evening in the Dodie Hummel Room at the Woolwich Township Building. Future public meetings will most likely be held at the Woolwich memorial Arena on Snyder Ave.. There was a small Agenda with the usual housekeeping items such as dealing with the Minutes of the last meeting and scheduling the next one (January 7/14).

The CLC and public were given construction updates. They are a little behind schedule partly from a late start (permits) as well as due to all the rain through September, October and now into November. Nevertheless they are still hoping for a January completion date. Even after their startup there will probably be a six to nine month period before methane production is at full capacity.

Michael Purves-Smith presented a document he had done in collaboration with two others on the CLC. This document when cleaned up slightly will go to Woolwich Council as a request for matching funds that Woolwich Bio-En have on the table. The funds of course will be for any necessary peer reviews if there are for example odour problems down the road.

Some time after construction is completed there will be a tour for the CLC members. Somewhat to my surprise there will not be a Grand Opening per se.

As a long time participant in the Chemtura Public Advisory Committee (CPAC) I am pleasantly astounded at the cooperative and respectful atmosphere at these Woolwich Bio-En meetings. While obviously there was heated debate and citizen concerns prior to this business getting the go ahead, it appears as if all parties are determined to make the very best of having a Citizens Liason Committee. To date I have seen nothing but honest attempts to answer all questions and two way cooperation throughout. This committee could be an excellent example to CPAC and when I say that I am referring to the company representatives in particular.

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