Saturday, July 10, 2010


Here is a link to two different hydrogeological reports done on behalf of Capitol Paving. Both reports aren't satisfied with simply saying that their new gravel pit will do no environmental harm but suggest they will actually increase recharge and thus enhance the water table elevation.

For nearly a decade I walked my dog down Letson Dr. through the proposed gravel pit. When I read that it was a below water table proposal I wasn't surprised as with my own eyes I've seen how high the water table is. There are areas just to the immediate west of Letson Dr. which have groundwater right at the ground surface when we've had a wet spring. Lo and behold however the hydroG reports talk about only 1.8% of the pit being below the water table. REALLY? They wouldn't lie to us would they?

Generally below water table pits receive more scrutiny and public opposition than above water table pits. Both kinds are environmentally damaging, the former more so and the latter a little less so. I am still studying these two reports but it seems clear to me that there is an intentional disconnect between what the hydrogeologist is saying and what the pit operators are going to be doing. Large quantities of sand and gravel are readily available just below the water table and I for one don't believe for a second that Capitol Paving are not going to excavate them. This will require a minor amendment that they will "discover" the necessity for, in the field.

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