Saturday, July 17, 2010


This is a continuation of my July 13/10 posting. The Report I've been studying has a sub-title: "Planning Summary Report April 3, 2009". For the link to this report please scroll down to my Tuesday July 13/10 posting. Either putting these technical reports on-line or allowing interested persons to come in to the Township offices to read them is grossly inadequate. Hard copy versions of any and all technical reports should be available to all who so request. Public consultation and public access should mean that either neighbours, stakeholders or the very few and far between concerned citizens, should be able to invest their time and experience studying these reports under ideal conditions ie. at home with reference works nearby and without a degree in computer science. I found this report very awkward and difficult to download and I still haven't found the often mentioned Appendix B (hydrogeological assessment). In the text of this report namely pages 59, 60 & 61 there are summaries of the hydrogeological assessment. These do not include Borehole Logs , Stratigraphic Cross-Sections etc..

The following terms and expressions are used throughout the report: attenuate, mitigate, minimize, best management practices. Nowhere does this report say or even hint that there could possibly be any deal breaking issues, impacts or damages to either people, wildlife or the overall environment. Clearly all is well in the universe and there is nothing that can't be fixed according to the bought and paid for client driven consultants.

I see lots of promises and good ideas. I see zero accountability. I see zero realistic enforcement if the proponent decides to stickhandle around these ideas and promises. For twenty years I've seen the Ontario Ministry of the Environment issue Certificate of Approvals and Control Orders on industry large and small. Generally it is voluntary compliance which means that if it suits the industry they will follow the terms and conditions and if it doesn't suit they won't, and they will get away with it. Both government and industry have abused the trust given to them by the citizens of this country.

My last point is this. Even if Hunder Dev't follow these conditions to the letter, their neighbours who have invested their money, time and hearts into their homes will be far the worse off for this gravel pit. Clearly this is of zero significance to our government. People have no significance to them, other than to legitimize government every now and then at the polls.

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