Friday, December 13, 2024


 They do this by having the likes of Joe Ricker, Luis Almeida and Allan Deal speaking as mouthpieces for Lanxess Canada.  On another note, Sebastian I saw you working hard to get the truth out at last Monday's TRAC meeting.  You are opposed by professional, albeit sloppy liars as well as Woolwich officials (mayor, councillor(s?), Tiffany ($$$) ). I see absolutely no one on TRAC assisting you. Are they all that stupid, uninformed, corrupt, apathetic or are they under some kind of career duress? TRAC have two names namely Technical Remediation Advisory Committee or my preferred one of Totally Rotten And Corrupt. It is time Sebastian and you know it.

Further lies, drivel and bullsh**  from Monday's TRAC meeting include Tiffany's suggestion that the ridge is only 1/2 a metre high.  Nice try there. Go read the topographical contours and you will find it is higher. Also the contour lines have been conveniently altered off-site on the Stroh property.  Susan Bryant, decades ago, in  a fit of moral outrage stated that Uniroyal/Chemtura "adjust the science according to their needs". This is what they've always done and continue to do. Both Luis and Jason Rice of the MECP stated that there are no issues with the lack of data on the east side (Stroh property) and with the exceedances of DDD and 2,3,7,8 TCDD found in the Stroh Drain . Those dioxins were approximately 30 times greater than the federal sediment criteria for 2,3,7,8 TCDD. Allan Deal also categorically claimed (at least until he reverses himself) that dissolved concentrations of chlorobenzene will always keep increasing if there is DNAPL nearby. Horse manure. Sometimes maybe but the solubility of chlorobenzene is low especially in multi-mixtures of  dozens or hundreds of solvents etc. Mr. Deal then turned around and said that if the dissolved chlorobenzene concentrations are decreasing then there is no DNAPL nearby. Again horse manure! It all depends on other factors including well placed pumping wells beside the sub-surface free phase DNAPL pumping 24/7 over a period of years. That will lower dissolved concentrations of chlorobenzene while it still exists sub-surface as a DNAPL (dense non aqueous phase liquid). Mr. Deal's last comment may open a window into his incredibly bad understanding of DNAPLS. He claimed that his definition of Effective Solubilty is the presence of other solvents that may increase or decrease solubility. Wow what I've read and been told is that there are a few co-solvents out there, but not many, that can increase a chemical compound's solubility. Overall the more chemical compounds dissolved in groundwater drastically reduces the solubility of either chlorobenzene or whatever particular one you are looking at. Mr. Deal is a plain and simple DNAPL DENIER along with Luis and other self-serving semi-credentialed individuals.

All the parties who signed on to this conspiracy to pretend to clean the Elmira Aquifers and Creek should burn in hell. That includes citizen co-optees both the well known ones and the lesser so. Their presence engaging with the enemy is reminiscent of collaborators during the war. They did it for self-serving reasons and profited from it to their shame, then and now regardless of the magnitude of the issue (i.e. war vs. environmental degradation). Many human beings have at best a tiny moral compass and many of them rise to positions of authority (Donald Trump). 

Meanwhile Allan Deal and others venture their opinions on hydrogeological matters beyond their knowledge or scope. They have been indoctrinated to believe that their opinions have merit. They DO NOT. In fact their opinions are always HIGHLY SUSPECT. Produce relevant, not cherry picked evidence at all times. Your word and opinions are biased, bought and paid for and far too often inaccurate and misleading.

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