Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Hence RAC, TAG and TRAC.  It's all about fooling the public. It doesn't have to be all the public, just enough of them.  Yes our local media, the Woolwich Observer, took their measure accurately back in 2015 but that didn't stop them. Similarly the Observer have spent decades warning Woolwich citizens about always increasing municipal taxes mostly to pay for unnecessary extras including staff raises and hires with little success.

Currently TRAC are selling the idea of giving Ramin,  Lanxess and the MECP a soft landing in 2028 the year that our drinking water aquifers were to be fully restored. No blame, no guilt, no shame it's all about friends pulling together to hornswoggle the public. The new Control Order from the MECP will be kind to Lanxess.  The Joe Ricker nonsense about "Asymptotic Behaviour" being responsible for remediation failures will cast blame for cheapness and laziness onto  more junk science. The amateurish "Advancements in NDMA Remediation" from Conestoga College will further deflect blame as the impression (false) will be given that Lanxess are still trying. Any revisions to the Risk Assessment of the Creek allegedly from TAG/TRAC or the MECP will be superficial at best and or mere window dressing as the vast majority of "revisions" have been. Alleged "hotspots" in the Canagagigue Creek have been nothing more than nonsensical, intentional, locational sampling biases from the beginning that TAG, co-opted Susan and others have jumped upon for an easier fix of five plus miles of grossly contaminated, downstream Creek.

It's all been a sham folks. Very little Source Removal either on or off site. Very little DNAPL removal either on or off site.  Limited pump and treat with promises for much more never occurring. Manipulated and strict control of which citizens our authorities will listen to with a strong preference for the ignorant, co-opted, deferential to authority and those with an agenda to advance themselves versus the public interest. To date not a single shovel of dioxins, DDT, lindane, PAHs, PCBs, mercury etc. has been removed from downstream of Uniroyal/Lanxess. 


1 comment:

  1. "Genuine Hotspots Ignored and Fake ones created" ABSOLUTELY UNCONSCIONABLE!

    To make matters worst people still alive who worked at plant (live in Maryhill vicinity today) say there was a lot more buried than anyone has ever talked about publicly and that it was way more toxic than "agent Orange" AND that "it is still on site"
