Thursday, June 27, 2024


I believe that bad attitudes come from the top. If  staff and administration view  inquiring citizens as either a nuisance or a threat then it's because they've learned that on the job from their superiors. I sent Jared Puppe a polite e-mail a couple of months back inquiring about the distance residential homes can be from former landfills. Not even so much as an acknowledgement. No response and no suggestion if and when he would decide to answer my question.

Perhaps Woolwich are not so in the clear on this environmental stupidity as they pretend to be. It has taken serious mismanagement, negligence and incompetence to get to this point in time. The stupidly placed landfill in the first place is still producing methane gas far in excess of the health and safety criteria. Likely much of the known industrial liquid wastes have already discharged into the Canagagigue Creek just upstream of Uniroyal/Lanxess Canada. This landfill like most (all?) in Woolwich has no leachate controls and once again no methane controls allegedly. 

Woolwich and the MECP rely on tried and proven technologies primarily DILUTION IS THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION. Hence the mess.


1 comment:

  1. Puppe is part of the overpaid mostly libtard bureaucraps that look after business between elections which do not seem to make any difference. As far as the chemical companies go they always want to drain and dilute their poisons downstream
