Friday, June 14, 2024


 I've already posted here why I did not attend and that the meeting is simply more about face saving for Lanxess and the Min. of Environment (MECP) than about actually, honestly cleaning up the Elmira Aquifers or the Canagagigue Creek.  Interestingly there are a couple of dates already on the Woolwich Council Calendar for future TRAC meetings namely September 19, 2024 and October 10, 2024.  No need to worry about the next three months, as with or without meetings, there will be minimal on and off-site pumping combined with most likely zero Creek cleanup.  Afterall if and when Lanxess and the MECP  decide on a token cleanup of one or two "hotspots" in the Creek they will want to  ensure that the whole world applauds them as they allegedly, voluntarily clean up 1%  or less of the disgusting mess they've made of the downstream Creek. 

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