Monday, May 2, 2022


Seriously (?) the reasons for so many gas probes at the Bolender Park Landfill NOT being monitored over the last 39 years are breathtaking. Keep in mind that all the literature that I have read has many common reccommendations and advice. These include that any methane gas found in the subsurface at levels as low as 20% LEL indicate potential danger. LEL stands for Lower Explosive Limit hence methane gas at 20% LEL should not explode in the presence of a spark or heat however just like with groundwater monitoring there is absolutely no guarantee that any particular groundwater contamination reading or methane gas concentration is the highest one nearby hence 20% LEL is to give smart property owners a heads up that action is likely required. The other common reccommendation I have read is that once you have established that methane gas exists in the subsurface at 20% LEL or higher then regular monitoring is a must. This regular monitoring early on might be as often as six times per year and if there are no incidents such as higher concentrations approaching the LEL or fires or explosions then perhaps twice a year would be acceptable. Of course any buildings either on the former landfill site or close by it should have methane alarms in them advising people to evacuate as methane levels rise. There are many other actions that should take place if the methane levels are constantly in the danger zone. ................................................................................................................................... Woolwich Township's monitoring of the Bolender Park Landfill methane levels have been sporadic at best with gaps of five, seven and eleven years between monitoring rounds. There was even a 22 year gap (Dec. 86-Apr. 2008) on the east side of the Landfill nearest High St. in which those gas probes were not sampled. That is shocking and shameful especially as the methane levels are not dropping over time. I credit that to a number of factors including the essentially useless Gas Collection System in place from 1984 until 2016. Also the wet anaerobic conditions of the Landfill have promoted the bacteria that produce methane gas from organic (foodstuffs) garbage. ......................................................................................................................... Folowing is the list of rationales/excuses allegedly responsible for failures to monitor individual gas probes. These of course do not explain the previously mentioned five, seven and eleven year gaps with no attempts being made at all. ..................................................................................................... NM.....Not Measured.......................................................... NF.....Not Found............................................................. NMBl...Blocked................................ NMBu...Buried................................. NMFl...Flooded............................................................... NMNIP..Not Installed Properly................................................ NRNC...Not Relaible No Caps on Probe......................................... NRMI...Not Reliable Malfunctioning Instrument................................ Destroyed-Probe was Destroyed................................................ BS.....WASP's NEST O.K. O.K. The BS is Editorial Content from me and not part of the official record of excuses. However Wasp's Nest is the real deal for gas probe GP1-15 sampled last year. The last recorded concentration was in 2016 and was a huge 61.9% methane in air by volume. The LEL is 5.1% methane in air by volume. Just more bad luck I guess running over nearly four decades.

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