I mentioned health care, gender equity, decent jobs and pay, education, and justice as areas of failure. I will be more specific in regards to health care as well as by expanding it to include seniors and nursing home grotesque failures particularly in the For Profit nursing home sector. I will also briefly mention and add environmental issues to the list. .............................................................................................. The Canadian Forces were called in as an emergency measure to care for nursing home residents during the first year of Covid. What they found was appalling. Some residents had been confined to their beds for days at a time without proper bathroom capabilities, proper food, and even proper medication being given. Baths and clean clothing had been ignored and some of the facilities were filthy. It was a life risking affront to the residents, to human dignity and to the families of residents. No government should ever survive such a scandal much less be rewarded by being re-elected. ................................................................................................................. The Doug Ford Conservative government has been a disaster for the environment. From MZO (Ministerial Zoning Orders) to proposed new highways north of Toronto that appear to be nothing more than donations to the aggregate and trucking businesses, business and the economy are given a free ride at the expense of the environment. This includes reductions in environmental oversight for development proposals whether by environmental assessments or other processes. LPAT or Local Planning Area Tribunals have replaced the former OMB (Ontario Municipal Board) which was roundly criticized and known to be developer biased. To date LPAT has not made a name for itself as being particularly citizen and resident friendly in their battles over gravel pits and inappropriate development such as the Hawk Ridge development at Union and First St. in Elmira. Similarly the battle is about to be joined by citizen groups opposed to a new gravel pit just outside Maryhill. Other local gravel pit battles include the proposed Hallman Pit in Wilmot.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Monday, May 30, 2022
I am torn between the Greens and the NDP. In my wildest dreams those two parties would hold the largest number of seats in the Ontario legislature. I could even happily envision some sort of NDP/Green coalition running the province for four years. Of course all the polls and all the pundits are saying exactly the opposite. They feel that the most undeserving Conservative government in decades will carry the day with the only issue being whether as a majority or minority government. Make no mistake I love minority governments whether federal or provincial. Some of the worst government abuses can occur when one party holds a majority of seats and literally has no need to compromise or make amendments to proposed legislation. ...................................................................... I will be satisfied if the Greens increase their number of seats in the Ontario legislature and if the NDP at least hold on to their seats and Opposition status. If the NDP and Andrea Horvath do better than that is excellent. I am sorry but both the Liberal and Conservative Party have abused their power and authority over the decades. Those two parties are responsible for ALL the scandals, failures and lost opportunities whether in health care, education, justice, gender equity and decent work and wages for all not just the few. That said yes both parties have done some good things, just not enough. It is long past time to pass the torch with the knowledge that any new government will be closely scrutinized by voters long after the election.
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Climate change, contaminated groundwater, the Ukraine, cancer rates or politics. It's none of those albeit they are all serious and life threatening. I believe that more Canadians and Americans die per year via traffic accidents then by cancer, shootings (even in the U.S.), smoking etc. .............................................................................................. This will be short. Two incidents, both thankfully minor, in the last week. I was driving down a two way street with multiple cars parked on the road in my lane albeit close to an upcoming stop sign. As there was no oncoming traffic I moved over to the middle of the road to go by the multiple parked cars An old man (very) from in front of me made a right hand turn onto the street I was on. The parked cars were neither bumper to bumper nor far enough apart to quickly and easily duck in between them to let the oncoming car go by. I slowed down and moved as far to the right as possible without hitting any of the parked cars. The now oncoming car had slowly accelerated up to the speed limit (50 km/hr) and was between four and five feet away from his right hand curb. And still coming and NOT moving even a single inch to his right. What the hell. I'm now on the brakes firmly AND on the horn Very loudly! Impact was imminent and I'm doublechecking whether I've got even a few more inches to spare on my right but I don't. I'm almost at a dead stop. I see no moving to the right from the oncoming car and BANG our side mirrors hit each other. Frankly I expected worse and now suspect that he either finally saw me or heard my horn and swerved to the right at the last second. .......................................................................... Damages were minimal and we both got out, chatted and picked up the various pieces of our side mirrors from the roadway. When I got out I was of course pissed but quickly saw that I was dealing with perhaps an 85 year old or older?? To replace my broken mirror only (the housing was unbroken) cost me less than $200. My expectation is that he may have a string of incidents in his background based upon his failure to react at all until possibly the very last second. ........................................................... This morning a second incident and although more minor than the previous is troubling as it is an indication of the quality (Ha) of drivers on our streets. The Round About at St. Jacobs is two lanes going into the roundabout, two lanes leaving the roundabout and I would estimate the two lanes going into it run for at least three hundred metres possibly more. The two lanes going out from the Round About northward I'm sure are a good 400 metres or more before reducing to one lane. Therefore it should be a no brainer that the purpose of two lanes into, two lanes in the Round About and two lanes going out for a serious distance are to allow TWO lanes of traffic simultaneously hence at least in theory to double the volume of traffic that the Round About can handle. Well apparently not so for some drivers. Now of course this does NOT apply when it is a tractor trailer in the St. Jacobs Round About. While the lanes are ample width for cars and light trucks there is virtually no way that a tractor trailer can stay in one lane because the radius of the traffic circle is so tight for them. ...................................................... So as usual when there are cars ahead of me going into the Round About (traffic circle) and one of the lanes is empty I move into the empty lane. Sure enough, not at all unusually, the first car has slowed down dramatically and his brake lights are on even after he's come to a full stop. The second car behind him comes to a full stop. My view is totally unobstructed (just like their's) and I can see that the traffic circle is not only empty but there are no other cars entering the traffic circle. Hence I slowly coast by the two stopped cars and drive through the traffic circle and continue on my way. Well you would think that I had yelled, given the finger or done something reprehensible as one of the two stopped cars (number #2?) was all over his horn as I went by. Now in hindsight could it be possible that if it was car #2 honking that he was actually honking at car #1 that had come to a full stop unnecessarily? Hmm I guess it's possible although I'm doubtful. The point is that one driver obviously believes it's impossible to look around for possible oncoming traffic unless one is at a dead stop which is stupid or the second car feels that two lanes are NEVER to be used for "passing" even when the other cars are at a dead stop. Either way it is typically poor driving and that over the decades has become par for the course.
Friday, May 27, 2022
My understanding is that nominations have been open since May 9/22 for the Mayor's position as well as five councillors (in three wards). To date as per the Township's website and involving a difficult search (for me at least) it does seem clear that the only registered candidate to date is Patrick Merlihan for the Mayor's position. Well, well, well. I'm not sure what is going on and indeed as the deadline for nominations is still well down the road in August there may be absolutely nothing going on. ................................................................................................... However it would seem to me that as incumbents have an advantage over new candidates, that the incumbents planning on running would throw their names into the mix quickly and possibly discourage some potential candidates. Is it actually possible that either all or the majority of our sitting councillors have had enough? Certainly for very long term councillors namely Murray Martin that is extremely understandable. Murray has been a councillor and worked with I'm guessing at least three or four different Mayors. ................................................................ Recently Councillor Merlihan did call out his fellow councillors for some of their lack of preparation and dedication in regards to them doing their homework for Woolwich's annual budget. I and I'm sure many others were somewhat surprised by this lack of diplomacy however it is indeed an election year so perhaps everything is on the table when one is trying to get either re-elected or promoted to Mayor. Stay tuned and let's see if this lack of nominations trend continues or not.
Thursday, May 26, 2022
The answer is that I don't know. What I do know is that there have been incidents both at Elmira Pet Foods and most recently on High St. which need PUBLIC explanations. The "incident" on High St. was an explosion and fire in a garage or shed on a resident's property. It was fortunately quickly handled and put under control presumably by the volunteer Woolwich Fire Department. What I have not seen in our local newspapers (Observer or Record) is any followup explaining in detail the cause of the explosion and fire. That is unacceptable and needs to be done sooner than later even if possibly the answer from the proper authorities is "unknown". .................................................................................... It is my understanding that there may have been as many as three or four small fires at the Pet Foods plant over the last seven or eight years. What also greatly concerns me is the on the job unexplained death of a long term employee several years ago. Basically he was working the night shift on his own and his wife went looking for him the next morning when he failed to return home. She literally found him dead on the floor at his place of employment. Various theories at the time included a lightning strike. Maybe I missed a formal cause of death in our local media but I don't think so. One thing people may not be aware of is that methane while highly explosive at certain concentrations also displaces air. In other words in a closed environment with methane leaking in, serious breathing problems including suffocation are possible. It would help immensely if local media could to the best of their knowledge on the matter clarify these incidents and tragedies. A lack of knowledge and clarity can lead the public to speculate as I am now doing.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Full Disclosure: I am not a Republican nor a Conservative who generally favour citizen ownership of firearms. That said I do favour ownership of firearms for hunters, target shooters and citizens in general. I am not as far right ideologically as those in the U.S. who believe that private ownership of guns by citizens is the only way to deter their own government from enslaving them. That said I am historically aware that NONE of the horrible massacres and tragedies involving individual citizens murdering their fellow citizens can ever hold a candle to the death, mayhem and murder orchestrated by governments (left or right wing) around the world for hundreds/thousands of years. Just count the deaths in the Ukraine over the last three months etc.. .............................................................................................. There appear to be huge commonalities in many of the U.S. murders/shootings. Many, many of the shooters are very young males who either feel disenfranchised or in effect are. Many of these young shooters are in the middle of a mental health crisis. Some of them have eagerly embraced the American love for firearms and attitudes of them versus us. They have also embraced both Hollywood themes and others that guns are the solution to many social problems. They are not. Just as an alcoholic depends upon beer and liquor to ease their pain so to do many think that guns will ease theirs. In fact while alcohol and drugs kill thousands, guns have ended up killing both their users and thousands of nearby innocents. Many mass shooters have targeted peers and classmates that they feel have either disrespected them or bullied them. In one aspect these commonalities should make identifying potential future shooters possible ahead of time and initiating appropriate interventions including discussion, therapy and mental health assessments. ................................................................................. There is no perfect panacea. There are older males who commit mass murder (Gabriel Wortman in Canada). There are occasionally women shooters. But as Joe Biden has said surely the U.S. can do better. Better at mental health interventions. Better at enforcing laws restricting gun ownership to our very young, perhaps up to the age of 21 or older. Guidance counsellers, social workers, teachers, neighbours all need to be listened to. If they honestly have concerns that a person might be a danger to themselves or others AND they somehow have access to firearms then a combination of police and social workers together need to step forward and ascertain the reliability of the concern and the extent of any possible threat of illegal action. The United States need to do so much better. I would suggest that every other country in the world have done so and now the U.S. need to step up for the sake of their own children and citizens.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
The text below is from a website started by local residents unhappy with the development proposal. The link to this petition is as follows:
We, the undersigned, stand against the proposed zone change that will raze the forested area beside Bolender Park in Elmira, to build a parking lot for transport trucks.
There is currently a motion being put before Woolwich Council to create a massive gravel parking lot for semi-trucks and and trailers; a move that will require the destruction of acres of forested land that contains hundreds of trees, with the endangered and legally protected Butternut Tree being near the border of the clear-cut. This stretch of forest is not only a valuable green area, it provides a necessary barrier between industrial lands and Bolender Park, as well as a residential area.
Razing these woods and turning it into a giant gravel parking lot will not only inflict an unforgivable eyesore on what is currently the crown jewel for Elmira family outings, ruining the heavy investment that the town has already put into developing the park, but will further tarnish the experience of traveling the Kissing Bridge Trail, and subject any and all visitors and residents of the area to the dust, noise, and smell of transport trucks beside these properties. In an era where the value of urban greenspace is becoming increasingly apparent, unnecessarily depleting it further is a mistake that cannot be corrected once made.
All of this is without touching on the already contentious issue of traffic, potentially encouraging even more of a presence of transport trucks in the area of Arthur & Church. Elmira struggles with traffic volume, and this area in particular has been the site of several serious (and sometimes fatal) accidents in recent years. To say nothing of the increasing hazard to the Mennonite community, who were key in building this region up, and deserve some consideration in their attempt to maintain their way of life.
For a town that seeks to reassert its draw in tourism and provide a stable, healthy, and attractive home for families (with beautification being a top priority for the Elmira BIA), the Council is on the verge of making a perplexing choice: this has no benefit for the residents, and only profits the undisclosed owner of the land (represented by a holding company). There are many parcels of land around the town which are already designated as industrial spaces, it is unnecessary to ruin the appeal of Bolender Park, reduce the draw to the town (impacting downtown businesses), diminish the experience of the Kissing Bridge Trail, potentially increase the danger to people, and devalue the homes of residents simply for parking space of questionable need.
Please sign our petition to let Woolwich Council know, in no uncertain terms, that this is not a decision that the public approves of.
The Proposal https://www.woolwich.ca/en/township-services/ongoing-planning-items.aspx
(Go to the bar that reads Zoning and/or Official Plan Amendments, then select 39A Holdings Ltd. - 39 Arthur St North, Elmira)
(Section 3.1: One Butternut tree (Juglans cinerea) was observed within the subject property. This species is listed as Endangered (MNRF 2017) under the provincial Endangered Species Act (ESA, 2007). Under the ESA it is an offence to kill, harm, or take a live Butternut tree that is not exempt from protection.)
Beautification Tops Priority for Township
Bolender Park was intended to be a draw for Elmira
Woolwich Mayor & Town Council
If you wish to express your opinion directly to the Mayor and the Town Council (Ward 1 being prime responsibility here, but this impacts the entire town indirectly), their contact information can be found here. Please remain respectful and polite in dealing with the Council. We want to foster a positive image. Thank you.
Saturday, May 21, 2022
My and other local citizens beef has been with Uniroyal Chemical and their different owners over the years (Crompton, Chemtira, Lanxess). Uniroyal hired and the others inherited Conestoga Rovers & Assoc. (CRA) as their hydrogeological consultants. The polite term for their efforts is best expressed as "client driven". GHD merged with CRA about five years ago and are carrying on CRA's traditions with Lanxess Canada. ........................................................................... On a few occasions over the last twenty-five years I have gotten quite upset with the odd egregiously unnecessary and inaccurate portrayal of myself by the Woolwich Observer newspaper. I emphasize that this has been a rarity and in fact I have read each and every edition of the newspaper since it started around 1995. While I was a huge supporter of Bob Verdun, Gail Martin and the Elmira Independent at the same time I embraced the luxury of two hometown, local newspapers. I can honestly state that I have worked hard to maintain good relations with Joe and Pat Merlihan despite occasional differences in opinion. Therefore I wish to emphasize my happiness that the Observer are now sending reporter Leah Gerber to cover public (but virtual) TAG (technical Advisory Group) meetings. That is a huge and major improvement that I hope readers appreciate. ....................................................................................... Regarding reporter Leah Gerber I have watched (and read) her environmental stories in the Waterloo Region Record over the last couple/few years. They are excellent and I have been impressed with her understanding of a large variety of environmental issues including gravel pits, groundwater contamination, invasive species just to name a few. Therefore my criticism yesterday of Thursday's Observer article (i.e. TAG meeting) does not diminish my respect for and appreciation for the Observer and their newest reporter. At the same time I trust that they understand that I have over thirty years experience on these local issues and will continue to praise their efforts most of the time but still offer hopefully gentle criticism when it is necessary.
Friday, May 20, 2022
Maybe there are three options for the falsehoods written in yesterday's Woolwich Observer. The good news is that the Observer are now finally covering TAG meetings. The damage they did to the public interest by not covering TAG from Sept. 2015 until December 2016 was enormous. After 2017 their failures to cover public TAG meetings were also significant. ........................................................................ The three options are that 1) Michael Mackin (Lanxess) lied by stating that "...Lanxess testing results found there is no risk to human health from the creek." This is a quote from the article not directly from Mr. Mackin. 2) Mr. Mackin isn't all that bright and confused the conclusions of a (RA) Risk Assessment (based upon many assumptions & crappy data) that stated there was no risk to human health versus the testing and sampling that found indeed many, many toxin concentration exceedances of various health & safety criteria. 3) The reporter got it wrong. ................................................................... The article that I am referring to is titled "Community group calls for cleanup of hot spots in creek" written by Leah Gerber in yesterday's Woolwich Observer. There is an amazing quote from TAG Chair Tiffany Svensson namely "We have one request that is not explicitly stated in the document (RA) and that is that hotspots, those areas where we know the samples have exceeded the standard for the contaminants of concern. In those areas where we know they exist, whether they've been identified as statistically significant or at risk, we would like to see them cleaned up,". Well now! My problem is that while multiple members of TAG did have good things to say I somehow missed this particular quote from Tiffany. Hunh? ................................................................. What I certainly did not miss was the following: "Notably multiple members of the committee expressed a desire to ensure all the hotspots-areas of increased amounts of harmful chemicals-were found and removed from the creek". That is a different cup of tea than what was suggested above although I would suggest that both statements are excellent statements. ................................................................ There is one more problem with an article of huge public interest and that is the suggestion by the reporter that the citizens of Woolwich will be agreeing with any Risk Assessment produced by Lanxess/GHD/Stantec. First of all the TAG members are not all Woolwich residents and secondly they were appointed politically with much past pressure from Uniroyal/Chemtura for amenable and "qualified" candidates primarily. This refers to only "qualified persons" with professional designations in the environmental field. Most Woolwich residents do not have any such credentials but they sure as hell know when they are being poisoned. Finally whether TAG agrees or disagrees with the final Risk Assessment they have zero authority or say in the matter. The Ontario Ministry of Environment (MECP) may have some minor say but they appear as usual to be thoroughly in bed with the polluter. They have a vested interest in putting this decades long scandal to bed permanently. Hence there is absolutely no "...agreed upon actions" by the Woolwich/Elmira community or anything else in this Risk Assessment. It is just another in a long list of shams, crocks and coverups.
Thursday, May 19, 2022
May 1, 2022
Methane monitoring started in 1983 and continued for two years in a row. It started again in 1986 and went for another two years in a row. Monitoring then had a seven year pause until 1994 when it ran for ...one year. It then started up again in 1996 for one year. Flash forward eleven years until 2007 when it then ran for four years in a row. After that we had a five year pause until 2015. We then had two years of monitoring in a row from 2015 until 2016. Another five year hiatus occurred with new monitoring last year in 2021 done by R.J. Burnside & Assoc.
There was an “active” Gas Collection System installed in 1984 which likely ran effectively for at least one year, maybe longer. Certainly the eleven gas probes from this Collection System, that included a pump, were working from 1984 until 1996. Some of these individual gas probes had high concentrations of methane gas as indicated in the five calendar years that the probes were monitored namely 1984, 86, 87, 94 and 96. At that point the eleven year pause took place from 1996 until 2007. The reason I question whether the blower or pump was working properly is because even during the highest concentrations of methane at the individual gas probes the pump measured zero % of methane by volume in air on six occasions between 1985 and 2007. The other six times that the gas probes were monitored and had methane in them, the blower or pump methane concentration was Not Measured. Therefore other than the year the Collection System was installed (1984) and the pump measured 5% methane by volume in air, there hasn't been a single pump reading since indicating that any of the methane was actually being removed.
I might also add that there hasn't been a single gas probe reading at any of the eleven gas probes comprising the Gas Collection System since 1996, twenty-six years ago. Nor have there been any readings at the initial eight gas probes installed in 1983 for the last twenty-six years. Now do keep in mind that zero monitoring took place for the next eleven years anywhere on the property (i.e. 1996-2007). Also in 2007 there were a plethora of reasons given in the Conestoga Rovers reports on the Bolender Landfill for the lack of readings specifically including gas probes NF-Not Found, gas probes NMFL-Not Measured (Flooded), gas probes NMBl – Not Measured (Blocked), gas probes NRNC-Not Reliable No Caps on Probe, and just plain NM- Probe Not Measured. I repeat that these acronyms NF, NM, Blocked, Flooded etc. are Conestoga Rover's designations and descriptions, not mine. To help replace these non-functioning gas probes one new gas probe was installed in 1995. Unfortunately it's limited readings were NMNIP -Not Measured-Not Installed Properly. Four more gas probes were installed in 2008 and a further four more in 2015. Both sets of new gas probes (2008, 2015) positioned two probes each at the east end of the Bolender Landfill nearest High St. For two of the next three years very high methane readings were measured from the east end 2008 gas probes. Oddly when monitoring resumed five years later three of the four 2008 gas probes were Destroyed and the fourth had readings twice of zero, twice Not Measured and NRMI-Not Reliable (Malfunctioning Instrument). Meanwhile the two 2015 installed gas probes at the west end of the property had incredibly high and dangerous methane readings.
Now we attend to the five gas probes installed in 2021 as well as a further reading taken from one of the west end 2015 installed gas probes. Incredibly GP2-15 had a reading of 73.8% methane concentration by volume in air, equal to the highest concentrations ever found on the site back in the 1990s. Four of the five 2021 gas probes exceeded the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) and the fifth exceeded 20% LEL which is still considered potentially dangerous. Two of these five new gas probes concentrations could not be compared to earlier readings as none were located nearby, two with nearby earlier installed gas probes exceeded their 2015 installed probe concentrations and the last new gas probe had a concentration lower than a nearby earlier installed gas probe.
Then of course we have GHD's last two landfill reports (2015 & 2016) advising that a Remedial Action Plan for methane control was necessary as well as advising that a methane warning device had been reinstalled into the former Paleshi Garage. A recent report (2021) from R.J. Burnside on behalf of 39A Holdings states that there are no methane issues on either the western or eastern part of the property that could negatively affect the proposed parking lot. Perhaps the real question should be will the proposed parking lot if accepted, negatively affect either future monitoring or a new methane collection system whether a passive or active one.
I would characterize my experiences with past Woolwich Councils and staff as unhelpful. That is unfortunate because maybe there are some facts or verifiable data that Woolwich could provide me with that would give me a different perspective versus the one I've had since about 2015. That perspective is that Woolwich Township have not been following accepted best practices regarding dealing with methane gas in the Bolender Landfill. Maybe you have a legitimate reason but I certainly to date have not seen nor heard it.
Alan Marshall
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
The Law, Teaching, Nursing are to different degrees female dominated. Are any of those professions suffering because of it? Geez I'd hate to bash nursing especially after what they have done and sacrificed for all of us during the Covid pandemic. The Law I will ignore for the moment. Teaching used to be dominated by women in the younger grades (public school) but I believe even at the high school level the balance is much closer to 50/50 than it used to be. Whatever sins we can hang on our different school boards I would suggest that equal representation or better by women in teaching has been positive for everybody. ............................................................................................... Longtime male dominated professions/careers include policing, the military, fire fighting and public works departments (landscaping, paving, roadwork, snow ploughing etc.) for municipalities. Yes the City of Waterloo were complete twits regarding how thweir female Works department employees were treated by the male majority back in the 1990s. Yours truly and a couple of female public works employees straightened that out via a Human Rights complaint and more. As far as I know the City sat up and took notice and I really hope that things are markedly better now than they were then. ...................................................................................................
Meanwhile our Regional Police Force just keep on digging themselves into a deeper hole all the time. Today's Waterloo Region Record continues on with the story of police officer Angie Rivers and the harassment and worse that she has faced. An Arbitration Hearing is underway to determine if the Regional Police responded adequately to her complaints about sexual harassment and gender based discrimination. Does anyone other than some dyed in the wool male cops believe otherwise? For the sake of their credibility in all matters our Police Force needs to stop denying and covering up their 19th century attitudes towards women and embrace their accomplishments and efforts as police officers over the last fourty years.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
In the past I've come to expect either deafening silence or blatant denial of the facts from Council and staff when I've spoken about the Bolender Park Landfill. Last night was different. Above and beyond Council obviously being attentive was the lively discussion of my Delegation about the landfill which followed. Councillors Larry Shantz, P. Merlihan and S. McMillan all added to the conversation as did staff member Jared Puppe. Both Larry and Patrick picked up on the irregularity of monitoring over the decades as well as the fact that both the gas probes and the Gas Collection System have not worked properly. Patrick also mentioned the fairly recent reinstallation of methane monitors in the former Paleshi Garage building as a sign of the seriousness of the methane problem. ............................................................................................. Scott McMillan suggested that there may need to be a discussion as to when the private interest takes precedence over the public interest in regards to the former landfill property. Mr. Puppe surprised me by stating that the Township are only obligated and responsible for off-site methane migration. Hmm I don't know how they can do that without a hands on approach to controlling/venting properly the on-site methane. ................................................................... Council were promised that an updated report will be forthcoming to them which was one of Scott's suggestions that this landfill be a future Agenda item. There was also the claim from Mr. Puppe that the new owner will remediate the on-site methane. Well well.
Monday, May 16, 2022
My Delegation is this evening at the Woolwich Council Meeting that starts at 7 pm. That said I would not be surprised if my Delegation doesn't get going much before 8 pm. due to many Agenda items before me. Regarding the title above does anyone seriously believe that an informed discussion or statement by the U.S., U.K. or Germany about the Ukraine and human rights would be listened to, other than perfunctorily, by Vladimir Putin? How about a discussion on prisoners' rights by Assad of Syria. Not a chance. Now while these may be extreme examples a less extreme and local example would be Lanxess refusing to listen to TAG members expressing concerns over the pathetic "investigation" of the Stroh Drain area. Not a single soil sample by Lanxess or their consultants was taken. No amount of data (i.e. sediment samples) , logic or other strong evidence has been given even a second's credence by Lanxess. That is a biased, self-serving audience at its' worst. ............................................................................. Tonite I'm speaking about the Bolender Park Landfill. Primarily I will be using reports by Conestoga Rovers & Assoc. commissioned by Woolwich Township although I will include some very recent data from R.J. Burnside produced for the proponent who wishes to develop the landfill into a parking lot for trucks and trailers. The data speaks for itself yet past Woolwich Councils have demonstrated an uncanny ability to hold their noses, roll their eyes and cover their ears. Why? Are they embarassed? Are they feeling guilty? Are they automatically circling the wagons and going into a defensive shell because they don't want to admit that Councils sometimes make bad decisions? It's hard to say but at the least I expect a tough audience as their predecessor council including the current mayor and a couple of others were totally unhelpful and unreasonable five to six years ago. No questions and no clarifications requested. Also no criticism or challenges from councillors presented to any of the facts they received. Just a huge blank wall from apparently uninterested councillors. What a way to run a railroad.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
My choice of topic is the Bolender Landfill methane issues here in Elmira known since at least 1983 and dealt with amateurishly ever since. I will also be using a small amount of data drawn from the recent (2021) R.J. Burnside report on behalf of 39A Holdings Inc. who are proposing developing a parking lot for trucks and trailers above the former landfill. Basically I will be advising Council (again) as to the apparently unresolved methane issues emanating from this site. As mentioned earlier here there is a nexus between this issue and the current Canagagigue Creek Risk Assessment (Stantec) purporting to declare that there are no unacceptable human health risks in the Creek downstream to the Grand River. That is such an incredible crock based upon bad data, bad sampling including locational sampling biases as well as improper sampling techniques (shovels versus proper core samplers). It also includes biases against including using allegedly non Uniroyal Chemical contaminants known to be in the Creek (PCBs, PAHs, mercury etc.). Also the Risk Assessment has not examined leachate problems from at least four maybe five landfills located along the Creek. These leachate issues include the potential for future ruptures or rusting through of barrels of solvents etc. either from Uniroyal or Varnicolor Chemical. .......................................................................................... My data comes primarily from a series of reports done on behalf of Woolwich Township between 1983 and 2016. They were done by Conestoga Rovers (CRA) and the last couple by GHD who merged with CRA. Finally the earlier mentioned 2021 R.J. Burnside report will also be included. In a nutshell the methane gas sub-surface still exceeds both the 20% LEL (lower explosive limit) criteria as well as 100% of the LEL. The monitoring over the last 39 years has been sporadic at best and has focused on the west side of the property around the former Paleshi Garage as well as the north side as methane gas there was quite close to Elmira Pet Foods. The so called Gas Collection System seems to have been a bust pretty much from the beginning which is outrageous. Various reports have suggested it be replaced as well as producing a Remedial Action Plan six years ago. My opinion based upon their very own reports is that Woolwich Township have been negligent in protecting neighbours as well as the public from potential methane fueled fires and explosions.
Friday, May 13, 2022
Unfortunately my prediction here in yesterday's post was accurate. My submissions were given token acknowledgement and nothing else at last night's TAG meeting. Frankly TAG that is unacceptable for a so called public consultation body. You received written and referenced materials from a local citizen with serious experience and knowledge regarding the years long and ongoing Canagagigue Creek Risk Assessment that contradict the Lanxess/GHD/MECP storyline and you wouldn't even present them for public discussion. The referenced materials included two letters from professional hydrogeologists (MOE & private), ERIS spills data and even a Lanxess report. That is shameful and does your credibility as purveyors of truth in the public interest no assistance. I am going to add a word to yesterday's post (3rd paragraph) right now as not discussing relevant submissions from local citizens is ongoing and outrageous censorship . ................................................................................. First of all until near the end of the meeting there were only four TAG members present. That is very unfortunate especially when more qualified and reliable citizens are available but that's all on Sandy Shantz and Woolwich Council. Linda Dickson raised an excellent point regarding land use change along the downstream Canagagigue Creek in future. Basically public trails and recreational uses in the floodplain are far more likely than residential development but will expose the public nevertheless to Uniroyal toxins if they are not removed. .............................................................................................. Sebastian made an excellent point that TAG should be more cautious regarding their knowledge of the downstream "hotspots". It is extremely likely that "locational sampling bias" has missed other highly contaminated areas and TAG agreed that all "hotspots" should be cleaned up not just the currently known couple of areas. As an aside Dustin Martin of TAG was welcomed back by Tiffany Svensson last evening. I do not know if Dustin had a similar conflict of interest issue as David Hofbauer or if his long absence was due to other factors. Dustin also spoke to the "reliability of the data set" for the Creek which I found interesting. He however did not elaborate on that. Wilson Lau followed with comments about the "spatial distribution" of the data. Dustin replied that he would like a second opinion from Stantec as to whether they are satisfied with that spatial distribution. I found this discussion unnecessarily obtuse and would have interrupted for clarification if that was possible. .............................................................................................. Sebastian raised concerns that the Study Area diagram was not clear as to whether all tributaries into the Canagagigue Creek were included or not. Discussion ensued which overall agreed that the Stroh Drain certainly was included, other creeks less obviously so. What I found unfortunate was that the few TAG members present appeared to have forgotten or missed the 2020 Canagagigue Creek Soil & Sediment Investigation that had some soil and sediment sample results from numerous creeks included. Once again Sebastian stood out as being the only TAG member interested in the Stroh Drain sediment results. I have found TAG's failure to discuss them as well as their missing soil results to be shocking. Interestingly to me it appeared as if Tiffany actually criticized Lanxess for their "very mediocre" efforts at remediation above and beyond pump & treat. She also stated that their "effort to date has been limited." I believe that references their grossly inadequate ISCO (In Situ Chemical Oxidation" attempts years ago. ..................................................................................................... Linda Dickson advised TAG that there had been yet another instance of loss of containment in the Upper Aquifer Containment & Treatment System (UACTS). This occurred after and during the March melt specifically March 18 & 19 . It was briefly restored and then lost containment for the rest of the month. After all these decades that is outrageous. The next TAG meeting is June 23, 2022 presumably at 6:30 pm.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
The first Item (4.2) deals with "Written Submissions Review". I am the author of several of those written submissions and they are listed in Item 6. "Correspondence and Documents received since last TAG meeting". There are many other submissions primarily from Lanxess Canada. I would suggest that as a general rule my written submissions to TAG over the last five years plus have been intentionally ignored as much as possible. Why wouldn't they be? They do not remotely follow the script set by Chemtura/Lanxess/MECP. They also certainly do not make the Chair of TAG's (Tiffany Svensson) life any easier. She is paid approximately $1,000 per meeting, in my opinion, to keep things on track- that would be the Uniroyal/Lanxess/MECP track. ........................................................................................... I am not suggesting here blatant corruption. Who needs blatant corruption when subtle corruption works just as well? A simple behind the scenes word to loyal TAG members that moi (Mr. Marshall) is really not to be given credibility due to this or that alleged peccadillo/infraction/personality flaw?) is likely to do the trick. Of course as these are private defamations how can I counteract them or dispute them? .................................................................................................... All my written submissions to TAG are seriously researched. They are defensible. While apparently TAG are under exactly zero obligation to publicly review my submissions nevertheless my submissions are on the record for perhaps a better audience down the road. An audience who are not beholden to Lanxess, GHD or the Ontario Ministry of Environment. Let's see if this evening there is anything more than a token public perusal of my submissions. Frankly usually there isn't even that much. Also keep in mind that if TAG do discuss them and make any verbal factual errors, I the author am not allowed to correct them on a point of order or anything else. It's called muzzling, pretend public consultation and censorship. .............................................................................................. By the way my submissions from last January to a couple of weeks ago include topics as diverse as DNAPLS, Dilbert cartoons dealing with pathetic data in reports, inadequate remediation technologies, local landfills impacting the Creek Risk Assessment, many other industrial sources of creek pollution upstream and downstream of Uniroyal/Lanxess etc.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Simple. They want a victory. They've had thirty-three well deserved years of humiliation, guilt and failure. Now do keep in mind that the first two of those three items were primarily from 1989-1996. The third one, "failure", has only been acknowledged over the last four years or so regarding the failure to remediate the Elmira Aquifers to drinking water standards by 2028.. In between Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura/Lanxess have bullfrittered and gilded the lily unmercifully. They have made outlandish and outrageous claims of success constantly in support of the least expensive, least effective remediation methods possible. They have also made claims over the decades to having the interests of both Elmira and downstream Canagagigue Creek residents uppermost in all their plans. Such a pack of total garbage. For them it's about marketing their cleanup to the general public in the light of a cost-benefit analysis. If they can do a 20% cleanup and sell it to 60% of the general public then that is their definition of success. If that doesn't fly then they'll go with a 28% cleanup of the aquifers and the Creek in exchange for a 60% acceptance rate by the general public. Nowhere to be found is any plan to fully clean the aquifers, the Creek and their own still grossly polluted property. This puts the entire efforts of pumping and treating the Elmira Aquifers at risk. Afterall if and when they fold their tents and leave do we the citizens have even the slightest confidence that somebody/anybody will step up? I think not and that specifically includes the Ontario Ministry of Environment whose credibility, veracity and ethics mirror those of the provincial politicians in charge whether Liberal or Conservative.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
The following information is gleaned from Appendix E of the Minutes of the March 24/22 TAG meeting. TAG properly are concerned with the small list of Contaminants of Potential Concern (COPC) particularly PAHs or Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Apparently the criteria exceeded in sediments in the creek by PAHs refer to fish and sediment dwelling organisms and not human beings. TAG feel that that is inadequate as human beings can be exposed top sediments via swimming, wading and ingestion. Also groundwater contamination needs to be included in the Risk Assessment (RA) due to potential of vapour intrusion into buildings. .............................................................................. Of great concern is "dose averaging" whereby short term exposure of 60 days per year by farmers/residents is then averaged out over their lifetimes greatly reducing the so called average day's exposures. TAG's experts claim that short-duration exposures to carcinogens should be toxicologically equivalent to dose averaged daily exposures and they are not through the RA process. Wow! Also regarding contaminated groundwater is the issue of future sub-surface work being ignored. This includes utility conduit installations, foundation repair, excavating and trenching. .................................................................................. Interestingly although dioxin/furans and DDT compounds were accepted as COPCs, TAG points out that they were misidentified as NOT being volatile (i.e. easily transfer to the gaseous state) compounds when in fact by the MOE/MECP definition they are. ................................................................................. Tissue Residue Guidelines (TRG) in fish were well exceeded by dioxins, DDT, mercury and PCBs. This was despite the fact that these contaminants accumulate in fatty tissues, eggs and various organs (liver etc.). Instead the MOE/MECP only tested for the contaminants in lean, dorsal, skinless, boneless muscle tissue of the fish. Yet another way for polluters and their friends (MECP) to tilt the RA in the money saving direction they want. Also the RA has a ton of assumptions that are NOT either logically demonstrated or proven through real data. These include that free range chickens are not allowed to wander onto bank/floodplain soils, limited transit time of cattle crossings (creek) and grazing and the dilution of sediment mixed with native soils in field amendments (possibly dilution as well in childrens' sandboxes?). TAG indicates that there are no covenants or restrictions on farmland properties that would prohobit or control any of those activities. Lastly vegetation/garden produce potentially cultivated in contaminated sediment/soil sourced from the creek has not been properly considered in the RA. ....................................................................... These are all significant issues raised by TAG and not the complete list of their's and certainly not of mine. The fact that I and the public are oh so graciously "allowed" to submit something in writing to a biased, self-serving process fully captured by the polluter and friends is not reassuring.
Monday, May 9, 2022
Hmm something seems a tad amiss with the mechanics of this posting??? Anyhow the TAG meeting is virtual which is becoming a serious pain in the you know what. The process is controlled to the nth degree as it is but eliminating the public from attending in person is now ridiculous. At best there might be all of a half dozen people in the audience who could see and hear first hand AS WELL AS perhaps make it known to the powers that be that discussing anything as serious as the Risk Assessment for the Canagagigue Creek (Both Ecological & Human Health) while muting the public at these meetings is reprehensible. ............................................................................................................................. I would suggest that the most important item on Thursday's Agenda is 5.1 "HHERA TAG response". I am pleased with a number of both technical and logical concerns/criticisms that TAG has to the Draft Risk Assessment (RA). I know that the young professionals involved are playing the game as they have been taught to do likely by their employers. That seems to include undeserved and ongoing flattery and frankly at times ridiculous drivel just to ensure the polluting parties and friends that all is well and nobody is going to ever get down into the mud and throw an honest or accurate nasty allegation at them. Believe me there are lots of those available. This however is the great weakness of this system. What is needed is citizens with no fears or concerns of career intimidation laying it on Lanxess, GHD, Stantec and the Ontario Ministry of Environment. This RA process is contemptible as it so effectively eliminates the non professional, life long local citizenry who know of what they speak. Much facts and obviously legitimate concerns are being ignored and in my opinion, intentionally ignored. Those of us with something to add are being and have been muzzled for years now.