Friday, July 9, 2021


That is zero soil detections of lindane either near the four background creeks and the Stroh Drain as well as the three Reaches (2, 3, & 4) of the Canagagigue Creek. That seems odd for a prior determined Contaminant of Concern (COC). The joys of high Method Detection Limits (MDL). Conversely dioxins/furans (TEQ) had both zero soil and sediment (bottom of the waterway) NON-detections in all samples! Wow - the joy of reasonable MDLs. ........................................................................................................................ There was a grand total of ONE lindane detection in this entire report which was in sediment in the Bolender Park creek. I presume that is the tiny creek running the lenght of the north side of the Park, former landfill and car wrecking yard. The creek then turns 90 degrees south and runs parallel to Arthur St. before discharging into the Canagagigue Creek. The concentration of lindane in sediment was .022 parts per million (ppm) which exceeds the criteria (.00094 ppm) by about twenty-five times. Keep in mind that lindane is but one of Uniroyal Chemical's signature chemicals and that Uniroyal happily dumped into the Bolender Park Landfill despite all attempts to minimize that uncomfortable fact by Woolwich township and others over the decades. ............................................................................................................ I will emphasize again that high Method Detection Limits grossly distort the number of contaminant detections as well as the number of contaminant exceedances of criteria. If in some instances they are unavoidable then report writers should not blandly lump in a plethora of ND (non detects) and treat them as legitimate non-detects when in fact what they actually are, are non-measurable samples. Readers literally have no idea in many cases if the contaminant is present or not and if it is whether it's above or below the health criteria set by various governments. ............................................................................................................ Further examination of this "2020 Canagagigue Creek Sediment and Soil Investigation" will focus on both the extent and size of MDL's exceedances of criteria and on how many of these high MDL non-detects there are in relation to actual relevant, useable, good data.

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