Wednesday, November 25, 2020


And that folks is the takeaway that I received from last night's Woolwich Committee of the Whole meeting. It is a done deal despite Ron Koniuch of Sulco (CCC) receiving a four month Deferral on Council's approval of the Zone Change and Hawk Ridge Homes subdivision plan. Can anybody spell CORRUPTION? Jeremy Vink, Woolwich planner, spoke strongly in favour of planning principles while at the same time I thought that he looked like a cringing dog awaiting a kick. I'll be more diplomatic. He was clearly on the defensive especially as he kept reiterating that Planning is all about dealing with normal, day to day industrial operations not with Worst Case Scenarios, fires, explosions or other emergencies (say a toxic fugitive release of any one of a hundred chemicals) from Lanxess Canada. Wow! He almost had himself convinced. ......................................................................................................... It's so much a done deal it's blatant. All the important facts and decisions have been made in private a long time ago and last night's Deferral is simply, once again, to give the impression that Council are listening to local stakeholders such as Sulco (CCC). In fact apparently now that Lanxess Canada, contrary to their predecessor Chemtura, are no longer in opposition to this subdivision; Sulco appear to be of little significance to Woolwich decison makers. Afterall they failed to advise Sulco of the last eighteen months of discussion with Hawk Ridge Homes. Ron Koniuch made it plain that that was not acceptable and I believe, if it is possible, that he might have embarassed a few councillors at least. ............................................................................................................ What are the possibilities? Is Lanxess planning on skipping out of town and hence their chemical operations and threat to the proposed subdivision ending? Or as Jeremy Vink referenced past Woolwich Councils allowing residential zoning of this former apple orchard owned by Ken Seiling's mother-in-law, could blame be put on a former politician with considerable local and regional influence? Oops I was warned publicly many years ago not to put Mr. Seiling's name together with Hawk Ridge Homes or make any unflattering suggestions about him. Or thirdly is this just the local behind the scenes power structure still firmly in control of our local council? Would this power structure have anything to do with the equally bizarre proposed east side by-pass over contaminated lands? Maybe there's even a fourth and simpler scenario. Doug Ford is strongly showing his pro business, open for business attitudes and the environment and little guys be damned! Could Hawk Ridge Homes developers be politically confident that they can bulldoze opposition to a residential subdivision next to chemical factories (with a history) by filing a lawsuit against Woolwich Township's past intransigence? It sure seems clear that noise, dust and odours are the only issues allowed to be discussed. Death or major negative health effects appear to have been taken off the table by Woolwich Township. Taken off the table privately that is. .................................................................................................... As is usual the public are being kept in the dark. The rationale to date for ignoring the high potential for disaster is ridiculous. Putting up noise barriers and removing windows on the east side of the new homes will mitigate noise and odours. It is unlikely to mitigate toxic fumes either directly from a fugitive chemical release or from burning solvents or other chemicals during a fire. Please do not recommend this subdivison to anyone you care about.


  1. Goodbye Lanxess and all their tax paying employees. And whom will they blame?

  2. How about themselves for being so stupid as to buy a grossly contaminated site. Of course a number of their tax paying employees have already left (died) after being victims of industrial contaminants.
