Saturday, November 21, 2020


In fact there are three major lines of evidence namely topographical contour lines showing declining ground surface elevations from Uniroyal/Lanxess to the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm located on the Stroh farm/property. Secondly the direction of flow of Canagagigue Creek flood waters onto the Stroh property and thirdly the text of multiple technical reports by various authorities categorically stating that Uniroyal Chemical toxic waste waters flowed onto the Stroh property. The text also mentions the extreme volume of ongoing overflowing east side toxic waste waters from 1942 until 1970. All five east side pits were overflowing and both contaminated surface and ground water eventually discharged downstream into the Canagagigue Creek. All in all every normal and rational individual should have no problem accepting the reality of decades of dioxins/furans, DDT, NDMA and a myriad of solvents, acids etc. all flowing and unfortunately settling out in the low lying areas to the immediate east of the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB). They would of course settle out only until the volume of further incoming liquid wastes exceeded the ability of the ground to absorb these various toxins. They would then carry on for further dispersal downstream. .................................................................................................... Now of course Donald Trump (former U.S. President who thinks he's still the President) would have absolutely zero difficulty in not accepting the above evidence and facts. This is because he is a narcissistic, mental basket case. Why am I pointing out the obvious? Because Donald Trump is not a one off. There are other narcissistic or not, mental basket cases or not persons out there who are so full of themselves, their financial power and local political authority that they routinely advise us that they alone determine the facts on their contaminated property and any independent citizens, experts or consultants who would dare present evidence contrary to their view are wrong. Always wrong. The only ones who are right work for Lanxess Canada and don't you forget it! People like this can neither be reasoned with nor debated. The polite term is that they are ass.oles. ............................................................................................................... It is time for the non-ass.oles out there to say enough is enough. Vote these self-serving, possibly narcissistic persons out of authority in regards to the cleanup of both the Creek and the Elmira Aquifers. Americans got rid of Donald Trump. Can't Elmira get rid of (at the table?) Lanxess, GHD, MECP and if necessary certain idiots on Woolwich Council.

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