Saturday, September 26, 2020


2015 was the watershed moment when Sandy and Mark B. talked their new council into once again giving Uniroyal/Chemtura the keys to the "city". Now of course some of the "new" council included old, tried and true and dyed in the wool Uniroyal sympathizers like Murray Martin. Other"new" council members included Larry Shantz, Pat Merlihan and Scott Hahn. Yes the council before them were generally inexperienced but with "experience" like Mr. Flip Flop (Mark) who tailored his comments to the current audience of the moment, sometimes experience is overated. .............................................................................................. Chemtura and the Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE) certainly were under pressure. The 2010 (2011) to 2014 (2015) Citizens Public Advisory Committee (CPAC) brooked no bull.... from those two parties. Lord knows the polluter and their regulator tried their best and they'd been allowed to bafflegab and bullfritter the time away for the previous incarnations of UPAC and CPAC without pushback for many, many years. By the way the second dates in brackets two lines above reflect the actual dates that the incompetent Woolwich Council managed to get the committee up and running. Truly hypocritical of Sandy and Mark, Chemtura and the MOE to whine and pretend how inexperienced and incompetent the previous council were when it took them even LONGER to get the CPAC show on the road. Further hypocrisy shines in their asking the current CPAC to please continue on until they were finally ready to go on September 15, 2015. Todd Cowan's council got CPAC up and going by May 2011 whereas Sandy and mark needed an additional four months. Mind you manufacturing a phony CPAC "crisis" takes time and that's exactly what they did in order to justify their contemptible behaviour which included kissing the butts of the most responsible and guilty for the destruction of both the Elmira aquifers and of the Canagagigue Creek. ....................................................................................... The new protocol does not even require the attendance of the guilty parties at the Technical Advisory Committee (TAG) which is the group of citizens appointed by council. Hence opportunities even by the council chosen few to ask questions of Chemtura/Lanxess and the MOE/MECP are few and far between. Both guilty parties sincerely thank Sandy and Mark for their nasty and disgusting interventions to allow even less transparency and accountability. The Chair of TAG is paid (well) by Council (directly-Lanxess indirectly?) and they are much happier with their second Chair than their first who routinely took Chemtura/Lanxess, MOE/MECP and Conestoga Rovers (CRA) to task for their failures and miscues.

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