Friday, September 25, 2020


Funny how AFTER the south and north wellfields were admitted to be contaminated with NDMA in late 1989 (E7, E9 -south) and in 1990 (E2, E8 -north) that then some of the beyond belief groundwater contamination on the site came to light. This massive groundwater contamination was on both the west side of the site (and the creek) as well as on the east side of both. Undoubtedly after nearly thirty years of on-site hydraulic containment (i.e. pump & treat) these numbers representing dissolved contamination will have been reduced however the lack of source removal is why even today Uniroyal senior staff (Ramin Ansari) advise that on-site pump and treat will continue forever. If the pumping were to stop in the future the still buried wastes would again begin to increase the contaminant load in the on-site groundwater. Following are some of the awful groundwater readings: ................................................................................................ ........Location (well #, East or West)....Concentration (parts per billion (ppb)) ................................................................................................ dichloroethylene (DCE) ....OW62-17 .W ........300,000 ....................................OW50-15 .W ..........330,000 ....................................OW16-d .E ............320,000 ....................................OW18-d .W ..........139,000 ................................................................................................. phenols....................OW37-5A .E ........75,000 ................................................................................................. vinyl chloride ............OW10-14.W .........121,000 ..............................OW88-8 .W ..........50,000 ................................................................................................. toluene ...................OW10-6 .W .........178,000 ...........................OW51-6 .W ..........43,000 ...........................OW88-8 .W .........110,000 ................................................................................................. chlorobenzene............... OW10-6 .W ..........13,000 ......................................OW88-8 .W .........200,000 ......................................OW18-d .W ..........44,000 ................................................................................................. ethyl benzene ....................OW37-5A .E ..........3,300 ................................................................................................. 2-chlorophenol ...................OW37-5A .E ........100,000 ................................................................................................. aniline ...........................OW10-6 .W .........78,000 ................................................................................................. carboxin ..........................OW10-6 .W .........19,000 .....................................OW69-13 .E .........9,700 ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. The above is a tiny, TINY listing of all the chemicals found in groundwater on the Uniroyal Chemical site. It is a tiny, TINY listing of all the different momitoring wells on site with ridiculously high concentrations of contaminants. Notice I didn't even bother with listings of NDMA which has concentrations hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of times greater than the Ontario Drinking Water Standards (ODWS). Honest citizen activists wanted serious contaminant source removal on that property because leaving it to nothing more than pump and treat for the next three hundred years or more is NOT acceptable, practical or likely. At some point much sooner the unethical, immoral sons of ....... will call a halt to even the minimal pump & treat.

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