Tuesday, August 25, 2020


There was a scandal at the Centre For Disease Control (CDC) in the U.S. that was exposed at a Congressional hearing looking into why a study of health risks posed by Agent Orange had been cancelled. The allegations were that either the CDC had botched the study or that there was political interference from the Reagan White House to shut it down. Not that the American chemical industry had a long and blemished record of attempting to manipulate either chemical research or politicians to reflect their wishes. Heavens no, nobody expected a for profit powerful lobby to behave exactly like saints and they have not been disappointed. ............................................................................................................. The CDC halted the study in 1987 claiming that militarty records were inadequate to determine which soldiers were exposed to Agent Orange. The director of the study at the time Dr. Houk denied the charges. Unfortunately several other scientists all testified that indeed they had excellent military records showing exactly where Agent Orange was sprayed , by whom, and which miltary units were in the vicinity. These researchers also testified that CDC administartors changed the design of studies regularly and even switched variables so frequently that the results were meaningless. They accused their superiors of essentially sabataging the study and further indicated that they were forced to do bad science as a result. ...................................................................................................................... The Congressional hearing was written up in the Wasgington Post by Paula Yost on July 12, 1989. More to come later.

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