Monday, August 10, 2020


My initial post here in the Advocate regarding the last very disappointing (virtual) TAG meeting was on Friday July 31/20. Since then I have posted a couple of times more with other details regarding that TAG meeting. At that meeting Ramin Ansari incredibly, boastfully?, stupidly? (highly unlikely) suggested either that the Lanxess site tour in April 2019 "put the issue to rest" or "put it to bed" in regards to off-site flow from Uniroyal Chemical south and eastwards into and past the Stroh Drain . My God the arrogance of the man. It did absolutely no such thing. Clearly he has been peddling that drivel and wishful thinking to listeners for a while. ......................................................................................................... What has become more and more obvious is that discussions whether so called "technical experts meetings", private in person meetings, or even private virtual meetings are now the norm. There was a lot going on behind CPAC's back when Susan Bryant and Pat McLean were running the show (2000-2010) but it's just as bad or worse now. TAG are being kept in the dark as are local citizen stakeholders and the public. Our local media have been almost useless in either attending or reporting on Lanxess, TAG, RAC, "public" meetings or otherwise. ........................................................................................................... Besides my posts here I have sent a lengthy e-mail to the TAG (Technical Advisory Group) Chair expressing my strong discontent with the obvious private, behind the scenes decision making going on. I have made it clear that no member of the public, whether an extremely well informed, lomg time stakeholder such as myself or any other community resident will tolerate following the extremely undemocratic, public consultation sham of only being permitted written Delegations to TAG and then having their written Delegation bluntly, factually denied in its entirety without so much as the courtesy of a reason, a rationale or an explanation. The basis of my written Delegation which encompassed detailed maps, including from Conestoga Rovers & Assoc. showing ground surface elevation contour lines, was that massive volumes (175,000 gallons) of liquid wastes discharged daily then GRAVITY flowed from the east pits past the current Stroh Drain and settled to the immediate east of it in an even lower elevation area. Hence the simple basis of my Delegation was that "water" (i.e. toxic liquid wastes) flow downhill. ............................................................................................................. Apparently Lanxess, Ramin, GHD, the Ministry of Environment and even TAG do not accept that. I see three options here. One all parties are CORRUPT and beyond any hope of redemption. For self-serving reasons ($$$$$) they will look you in the eye and even deny gravity.Two some of these parties (TAG?) simply are either stupid or uninformed. Discussion and debate has been private and likely all TAG members were not present but don't want to rock the boat. Three, there is some sort of reasonable explanation but all parties don't want to share it with either well informed stakeholders or the general public. This option seems the least likely to me. ............................................................................................................. CPAC (Citizens Public Advisory Committee) members have been phoning and e-mailing me their congratulations and support for my lengthy e-mail sent to the TAG Chair. I await her response.


  1. I gather CPAC is your only friend now so where does that leave your advocacy as it looks like the others are a write off for support?

  2. others think that the TAG Chair knows both what has happened and what is going on and is hoping that the truth gets buried cause the public "can't handle the truth" .... a neighbor
