Saturday, February 29, 2020


TAG-Technical Advisory Committee

Tiffany Svensson, TAG Chair, indicated that she and TAG would like to see confirmatory samples taken in the Stroh Drain. While that is an optimistic opening comment there are some issues. Firstly it could have and should have been done more than five years ago. Do you maybe think that the delay and avoidance to do so just might indicate corruption, collusion or simple, blatant, self-serving groups and persons in charge looking to cover their

Secondly I have been focusing on the terminology of "Stroh Drain, Ditch and Berm (SDDB)" for a reason. It's because the liars and other twits in charge are always looking to deflect the message from citizens and stakeholders. Yes you might find high levels of dioxin/furans and DDT in the sediments of the Stroh Drain. Or not. Both my map and my terminology make it clear that the issues include more than just the sediments in the bottom of the Stroh Drain. My map, submitted to TAG, makes it clear that the likely "sink" of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) exists in the soils to the east of the SDDB. The SDDB possibly may have been constructed partially to help protect the "sink" of POPs from erosion caused by the flooding Canagagigue Creek which submerges the area during very heavy storms.

Sebastian (TAG) would like a formal written response from Lanxess on the matter. To date nothing.

Tiffany suggested that she would like some kind of written status update on the SDDB from the Ontario Ministry of Environment. To date nothing. She also has advised that my written Delegation to TAG will be sent to both Lanxess and the MECP/MOE.

Dustin Martin (TAG) suggested that if certain Contaminants of Potential Concern (COPC) are in the aquifer then why wouldn't they also be in the creek. I like his approach. He also stated that while not politically correct nevertheless dilution is still the solution to pollution in many instances.Tiffany also suggested that the loss of on-site containment has not been adequately discussed. She is correct whether it be the loss of containment in the municipal drinking water aquifer or in the shallow aquifer (UA1).

Finally Dustin suggested that he would like to see a rationale for E7 "pulse" pumping. This could include how long the well will be shut down and how long it will be pumping. Pumping well W9 still has no re startup date.

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