Saturday, February 22, 2020


The TAG meeting next Thursday will incorporate both the normal meeting as well as the third part of the Webinar dealing with Risk Assessments. I think that the normal meeting is first with the Webinar to follow. To date I have found the Risk Assessment Webinar's informative while at the same time I have seen no evidence that they are immune from self-serving or dishonest manipulation by parties lacking scruples. In other words they can be properly and honestly done or they can be mere "greenwashing" exercises.

Under 3. New Business , 3.1.1 we have "Alan Marshall - Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB) - Dioxin-DDT Repository". As it is on the Agenda and as all members will have received an electronic version of the paperwork I submitted to TAG, then I presume some discussion will ensue. It is my hope that the much more legible ground surface contour lines will confirm the location and likelihood of a "sink" of hydrophobic Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) namely dioxins/furans, DDT and more on the Stroh property (just off the Lanxess south-east corner).

Under 4. Detailed Discussion there are three subjects namely 4.1 ...October 25/19 Creek Contaminants of Potential Concern, 4.2 the Ministry of Environment's Email response to that October report and 4.3 Creek Revised Conceptual Site Model Nov. 25/19 report. All three of these Agenda items are very important stepping stones for the upcoming Risk Assessment of the Creek.

Under 5. Correspondence and Documents received there is only the January 2020 Lanxess Monthly Progress Report. TAG member Linda Dickson has been well presenting the highs and lows of these monthly reports for some time now.

The last item on the Agenda is 6. Next Meeting and RAC (Remediation Advisory Committee) is scheduled next for April 2,2020 at 6:00 pm. The next TAG meeting after Feb. 27/20 has yet to be determined.

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