Saturday, December 21, 2019


Off-Site Pumping Well W6B : zero litres per second

Off-Site Pumping Well W9 : zero litres per second

On-Site Pumping Well PW4 : .1 litres per second with a Target rate of 2.9 litres per second.

Well at least the on and off-site pumping rates are consistent as in they are both a mile beyond unacceptable. The overall on-site pumping rate is the absolute worst not only for this year but for many years in the past. The off-site pumping rates are the third worst this year which is saying something as only four months out of eleven have achieved the Target Rates required. This is asbysmal and this ongoing failure for years is only part of the reason why the 2028 deadline for cleanup of the Elmira Aquifers isn't going to happen by the admission of all parties. How the hell could it possibly happen when they can't even achieve their tiny increase in Target pumping rates after Chemtura and CRA advised that in order to achieve the 2028 deadline they would need to first triple their off-site pumping rate and then later double it. What a farce hydraulic containment has been. Or as it is also called Pump & Treat. The Elmira case had better be used down the road at other sites as to why Hydraulic Containment alone is not an acceptable remediation strategy.

1 comment:

  1. Amount of people in Elmira that probably know about this: less than 10

    Absolutely disgraceful (should be the Lanxess slogan actually)

    A Merry Christmas gift from Lanxess to town of Elmira. ENJOY!

    Also: something in the water pH has recently changed here. It's gotten much more acidic in the last month or two. I rigorously measure pH for my indoor garden and can absolutely confirm it has recently changed
