Friday, October 18, 2013


Most probably Woolwich Township are hiding exactly what every other level of government are hiding and that is the level of danger to citizens from hazardous rail cargoes going through their neighbourhoods. Today's Woolwich Observer (not on-line yet) carry this story "Woolwich to draft resolution to address rail safety concerns". Once again white knight Mark Bauman comes riding to the rescue of Chemtura here in Elmira. While the rail line through Elmira is on the east side of town and not close to residences until right at the Chemtura plant; the same is not true in St. Jacobs. This is what may actually be bothering Mark. His constituents are in St. Jacobs and more there are in danger from a localized spill than in Elmira, depending upon wind direction.

Very strange that Woolwich Township while knowingly dealing with a routinely intransigent and uncommunicative company with a history of use and abuse of toxic chemicals; feel that greater transparency is not required. Unlike Sulco (CCC) who have a vastly improved reputation through their actions; Chemtura are still long on talk and short on action in owning up to their local toxic legacy. Councillor Bauman is deflecting attention away from St. Jacobs and Elmira and suggesting that the Breslau area needs attention. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't but this I can tell you: Chemtura's list of what they ship is nonsense. I've seen a list of about three chemicals namely diphenylamine, ammonia and one other "confidential" material. They ship by truck and by train and the list of their raw materials and finished products is in the hundreds. Three chemicals: please give me a break. As far as Mark Bauman's quote "I really don't have a lot of concern", I hope he doesn't have to eat those words down the line.

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