Saturday, October 26, 2013


The Region of Waterloo's "designated deniers" struck out apparently regarding the spill of nearly one million litres of raw human sewage into Colonial Creek and then into the Grand River. Last Thursday's Waterloo Region Record has this title on their most recent story "Sewage station upgrades moved ahead" and the sub-title is "After massive spill, Waterloo council votes for early start on $7.6M project to add safeguards at station".

This is what bothers me. Councils can and do vote for massive money expenditures on LRT among other things while deferring urgent infrastructure expenditures. We are not using the best available technolgies to safeguard our environmemnt when Councils defer their implementation because of less urgent expenditures. Waterloo has now seen the light. How soon will they and other municipal councils forget this lesson?

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