Monday, October 28, 2013


Off-site pumping wells W3 and W5B are pumping far in excess of their target rates. This makes up for the now greatly reduced pumping rate at W4 as they are allegedly pumping the Municipal Lower only and not the Municipal Upper Aquifer. Meanwhile although I pointed out to Jeff Merriman (Chemtura) at the September CPAC meeting that CRA had not adjusted the target rate for W4 on Figure A.3 in the August Progress Report; lo and behold they still haven't corrected it in the September Progress Report.

Table A.5 purports to be a "broad scan analysis" of contaminants in off-site wells W3, W4, W5A & B. In reality it is the defined broad scan analysis as per a specific Certificate of Approval. These are not one and the same and there are dozens to hundreds of other chemicals still not being tested for. Rest assurred that any of these chemicals not properly treated in the treatment system are being dumped along with the treated effluent, into the Canagagigue. Of course they aren't being tested for there as well hence it's as if they never existed as far as Chemtura and the M.O.E. are concerned.

As per Table B.1 Lindane is still being discharged from the Chemtura site into the Canagagigue via the MISA 0400 pipe.

Table C.1 indicates that NDEA or n-nitrosodiethylamine (a Chemtura contaminant) was detected in the Canagagigue Creek last month.

Table E.1 indicates the varying thicknesses of Non Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPL) below Building # 15 on site. This would primarily be Toluene and despite claims to the contrary I don't believe that Chemtura/CRA could not remove it from the natural environment; for a price.

Finaly Figure D.3 indicates the amount of groundwater elevation difference between monitoing points along the Canagagigue Creek. Observation wells UOW 510 and UOW 540 are .1 metre or less below the surface water level of the Canagagigue Creek. Again despite assurances to the contrary I am highly skeptical that this tiny differential guarantees hydraulic containment in this area of the Upper Aquifer.

And the pretend cleanup continues.

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