Thursday, October 25, 2012


This report was received last week and as usual has lots of nonsense and plain rubbish in it. That being said there is more or less good news as well as the off-site pumping rates are generally much improved. In fact with the exception of well W5A which was down for three weeks for maintenance, I would suggest that all the other off-site wells' pumping rates were excellent. Finally !

Page 8 informs us that "...the operation of well E7 and off-Site well W3 generated a capture zone that contained the limits of the NDMA plume in the Bedrock.". This is very strange as not only are neither of these wells screened in the Bedrock Aquifer but both of them according to CRA's Schematic Conceptual Hydrogeologic Model have the Lower Aquitard (LAT) between them and the Bedrock Aquifer. I would suspect an honest mistake here except for CRA's proven talents at turning mud into gold.

Free phase LNAPL (light non aqueous phase liquid) was measured at .4 and .34 metres in thickness at two on-site wells. Chemtura are world leaders at observation and monitoring while doing nothing.

Appendix B advises us that the vast majority of MISA (municipal/industrial strategy for abatement) outlets to the Canagagigue Creek have "No Trend Identified". This means that the discharges of various chemicals continues to the Creek unabated although Chemtura are monitoring the situation closely. How sweet of them.

Table C.2 deals with surface water testing in the creek and we currently are down to only three chemicals in the creek whose mean concentrations are higher immediately downstream of Chemtura than upstream. These chemicals are ubiquitous to the Chemtura site and groundwater and are NDMA, NMOR and Toluene. CRA please continue telling CPAC and the public that your chemicals are no longer found in the "Gig" as it's always worth a giggle and a chuckle.

Last but not least we have Figure D.3 which shows us how much difference there is between the elevation of the creek and the immediate groundwater elevation. This purportedly is to give us confidence that the site is hydraulically contained in the south-west Upper Aquifer. Three of the six observation wells have groundwater elevations between .4 and .9 metre below the surface water in the Canagagigue. That is good. Unfortunately the other three observation wells have elevations below the surface water of between .04 and .16 of a metre. That is ridiculously low and does NOT guarantee hydraulic containment. It is my belief that the M.O.E. are intentionally permitting the Chemtura site to leak contaminants into the natural environment on an ongoing basis. They are a sick joke.

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