Thursday, October 4, 2012


Well done Gord Miller, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. Today's Waterloo Region Record carrys this story: "Ban wind power along migration routes, environmental watchdog says". Mr. Miller has released his Annual report and while overall still a supporter of wind power he believes that the province have not been doing their due diligence in regards to negative effects upon wildlife. Specifically he suggests that migratory bird routes as well as bat migration routes are not being given proper consideration. Quoting Mr. Miller "The province's efforts to increase the use of wind power must be balanced against the equally valid goals of protecting Ontario's wildlife and natural environment".

Naturally opponents of windpower due to it's probable/possible negative effects upon human beings are very pleased with the environmental commissioner's stance. Clearly our provincial politicians have leapt into renewable energy, which is a good thing in and of itself, with both eyes and ears firmly closed to problems associated with it. To my mind this is what democracy and minority governments are all about. We the public are receiving both the pros and cons and both must be acknowledged and planned for by our authorities.

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