Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I guess as a long term knowledgeable Ontario Ministry of the Environment employee, one must ignore the corruption and look to one's own needs. In other words in an increasingly difficult job market, no matter one's convictions, one must look at their own responsibilities to family first. Whistleblowing is a notoriously bad career move. It surely does not pay the bills. Been there, done that and paid the price thank you very much.

There are good people in the M.O.E.. I've met them and I've read their work. They are however kept on a short leash. There are technical people including hydrogeologists who research, analyse and write accurate reports. Then most of the time they are given their next assignment. Occasionally they are trotted out to speak publicly to local citizens but only under very careful, non confrontational circumstances. I believe they are probably politically advised by their superiors as to what is absolutely verbotten to speak about.

Here in Elmira the citizens are generally left to the non-existent mercy of consultants paid for by the polluter, Chemtura. Years ago both the Region of Waterloo and the M.O.E. would technically challenge Chemtura's consultants, albeit with silk gloves on. Time, money and persistence have worn down technical challenges to Conestoga Rovers reign of junk science. Recently I have written here in the Advocate about the ridiculous series of reports written by CRA, in regards to probable DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase liquid) found behind Varnicolor Chemical near the Howard St. water tower. This Thursday evening the Ontario M.O.E. for the second time, have promised to present a report on their findings, conclusions and comments. The likelihood that they will find fault with CRA or even acknowledge their pathetic written attempts to deny the obvious are between slim and none. They are so confident in their upcoming report that they have not sent it out in advance for the Chemtura Public Advisory Committee (CPAC) to read and study. In fact they haven't even had the courtesy to respond to Dr.Dan Holte's (CPAC Chair) request to receive the report in advance of the meeting. Thus once again it will be trial by ambush. Money talks and bullshit walks. The M.O.E. are the latter.

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