Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This Notice was published in the Woolwich Observer on October 29/11. It is in regards to "Cultural Heritage Landscape in the Vicinity of West Montrose Official Plan Amendment Application 3/2011". The date and location of this public meeting is Tuesday November 22/11 in the Woolwich Council Chambers at 7 pm.. I am guessing that Monday's delegation to Council by Lynne Hare and Laurie Breed (mentioned here yesterday) may have been as a result of this upcoming public meeting. Also last evening on Rogers Channel 20 I saw Tony Dowling of "Bridgekeepers" speaking in regards to this proposed CHL designation and how it hopefully will help their case at the covered bridge in West Montrose. I intend to attend this public meeting as I have others in the past and I urge all Woolwich residents, not just West Montrose and area folks to also attend. Support for this designation is also support for people and homes and to "...put gravel in it's place.." which is not where we live and not in and beside the Grand River.


  1. Yet another great post on this subject. Thank you

  2. फ़र्ज़ी मुठभेड़ का आरोप
    पश्चिम बंगाल में माओवादियों ने किशनजी के मारे जाने की घटना को फ़र्ज़ी मुठभेड़ बताया है और इसके विरोध में माओवादियों ने 26 और 27 नवंबर को पश्चिम बंगाल में बंद बुलाया है.
    No i guess no free music files - al marshall not amanda marshall
