Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Spice stands for Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering . The Woolwich Observer last Saturday published a story titled " Geo-Engineering ready to take off in fight against global warming". I'm the first to admit that bringing this story to this venue as allegedly a Woolwich Township environmental issue, is a wee bit tenuous. However climate change will affect us all and we certainly aren't immune here in Woolwich. The basic theory is to spray sulpher dioxide particles into the air for the purpose of blocking the sun and hence cooling the earth. Apparently scientists in Britain are quite serious about the research they are doing to either prove or disprove the viability of this project. For me it is just one more indication of how desperate our plight is becoming if this methodolgy is seriously being considered. I will at least give these scientists credit for making it clear that their potential plans are not meant to replace plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Their appropriate concerns are that we are moving much to slowly in that direction and their proposals may be needed as a stopgap measure until we can permanently reduce greenhouse gas levels.

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