Thursday, September 1, 2011


On-line there are some incredibly good reports dealing with hydrogeology and contamination issues. If one googles ...national academy of sciences contaminants in the subsurface ... one comes up with a huge series of reports focusing on source remediation of DNAPLS (dense non aqueous phase liquids) . What I find so interesting are the comments and discriptions of the history of remediation of contaminated sites in the U.S. . These reports refer to " ... hundreds of thousands of commercial, industrial and military sites across the country...". They also go into the history of pump and treat (hydraulic containment) systems versus source removal or source remediation. Partly due to the hydrogeological complexity, the efficacy of many types of remediation are brought into question. This being so still does not exonerate the authorities deceiving or misleading citizens and stakeholders. Unpleasant truths should be stated up front not sugarcoated.

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