Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Last Thursday I wrote that I would more fully be commenting on this regular monthly report that comes out just past half way through the month with the previous month's data etc.. Hence the August report was received around the eighteenth of September. The on-site pumping is going steady but again they are having difficulties maintaining their off-site pumping at the mandated target rates. These rates are computer modelled numbers to allegedly clean up the Elmira Aquifer outside the Uniroyal/Chemtura site.

The OSCTS (on-site containment & treatment system) had detectable concentrations of both formaldehyde and nitrosomorpholine (NMOR)in it's effluent. Although the Effluent Limits were not exceeded, the Effluent Objectives were. Regarding surface water samples in the Canagagigue Creek, there were detections of a number of metals, DDT and not too surprisingly Formaldehyde. Table C.1 in Appendix C shows Formaldehyde, Cyanide, DDt and again heavy metals as being detected in the Canagagigue Creek. Table C.2 which compares upstream to downstream concentrations also shows NDMA, Ethylbenzene and Toluene increases as one moves downstream on the Chemtura site.

In the text at the front of the report is a writeup concerning both the excavation of drums in the M2 area as well as discussion of testing in the GP1 & 2 area in the south-east corner. This soil and groundwater testing is primarily for Dioxins. There are a number of anomolies and concerns with both these ongoing projects.

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